This is the Message Centre for Polly and Pixie


Post 1881


Sounds like you're in good shape, Rikii, I imagine you looked very smart in your pinstripe suit. Hope the funeral went ok.

I'm informed that Stout was banned from the zeta forum for being a pillock and a potential troll, but lily isn't banned. Not that she's likely to post there if her best chum is persona non grata.

I haven't heard anything of Folly, Polly or Toots for quite some time, but then I wouldn't. Folly's a busy man, of course, what with all those trips to Spain, and maybe Polly is still pooterless. Toots has better things to do most of the time, I think. Not that anyone has been able to post here for the last fortnight.

Nice to see the old place looking like it always used to.

smiley - tickle


Post 1882


Hi tickle,thanks for your reply,yes the set up here looks spot onsmiley - ok


Post 1883


I'm in!!!!!!!!!!!


Post 1884


Well, that's three of us who've made it.

As for feeling tired, I sympathize - and empathize. One of Grace 3's current favourite songs is "Dancing in the Dark". She has been teaching herself the chords and it certainly strikes a chord with me:
"I ain't nothing but tired
Man, I'm just tired and bored with myself..."

And so to bed.

smiley - tickle


Post 1885


Hi tickle,I understand bored Im doing nowt today but Im fitting an upstairs bay tomorrow with my mate we might be doing the downstairs bay on Saturday.
My central heating packed up ages ago and I asked someone to have a look at replacing it but after their initial enthusiasm Im still waiting(as Diana Ross would sing)Old Burce's born in the USA used to be a favourite of mine(the album)but MOH listens to Adele a lot 19&21 so that's what's buzzing around here.smiley - ermsmiley - ok


Post 1886


Rikii, how come you now appear as "Researcher 2634015"? smiley - huh


Post 1887


Hi tickle,I've no idea,I guess I've screwed up somewhere with my log in somewhere but Im asking the hootoo guru's and still awaiting their answer? smiley - sadface


Post 1888


There you go tickle,the tec' guys at hootoo have sorted itsmiley - magic


Post 1889


Judging by the timings on your last two posts, Rikii, Joe Brown and the Bruvvers were spot on - It Only Took A Minute. smiley - cheers


Post 1890


I came across a vestige of what I assume is Hyperspace's empire that still seems to be working, although not being used - the last post was one of yours, Rikii, on 1st October - and never really has been. It's at What's that all about?

smiley - tickle


Post 1891


Hi tickle,that was just hyper trying to restart but nobody wanted to play with him after he? took the ball away. Well the wally's gone and so has Sven will Forest ever win again,Villa's blue cast of is a bit of a bore all he seems to do is draw,Man city are flying stretching their lead how soon before Fergy the title conceeds?The Indian gran prix gets under way Vetell though's already had his day.England were battered with the cricket at five nil,although sport makes this world spin too.smiley - biggrin


Post 1892


That's what I thought, Rikii - I guess Hyper forgot to close it down.

I think you may have taken poetic licence a bit far there. Forest had a couple of good wins last week and were a bit unlucky today. I'm cautiously optimistic that they'll get to mid-table by the end of the season. I suspect the same fate awaits Villa, but you never know. City seem to have undergone a transformation this season: their attacking play is a breath of fresh air. I think Gary said they were the first top-flight team since the 1890s to score 33 goals in the opening nine games of the season. If they carry on like that they will beat the First Division record - held by Villa! - of 128 goals in a season, set in 1930-31, when Arsenal scored 60 away goals (a League record) and Blackpool set the record for the most top-flight goals conceded in a season (125).

(Interesting season, 1930-31: in spite of their 128 goals, Villa, who conceded 78, finished seven points behind Arsenal, who scored 127 and conceded 59. And Man U lost their first 12 games of the season - the worst start ever in a major European league - and finished bottom of the table with 22 points, scoring 53 goals and conceding 115.)

At least England managed to win today's one-off T20I - their first win in any match against India in India for over 5 years, I believe.

Have you seen anything of Polly on your virtual travels lately?

smiley - tickle


Post 1893


Hi tickle,I did send Polly a PM which she answered and said that she was doing a lot of birding and walking and not too comfortable with her move,she cant rejoin hootoo at the moment as she's still pooterless.(hopefully Polly wont mind me passing this on) smiley - erm


Post 1894

Andy D

Hi All,

I've just gone thru the registration process and it seems to have transferred my account over OK.

Hope Polly does appear here as this is her thread.



Post 1895


Hi Andy, By the way, Rick, please say 'Hi' to Tickle and Toots from me please. I haven't been to H2G2 for ages.

Thank you. Polly.(message from the PB's tickle)


Post 1896


I'm sorry I haven't been here for ages either.

Very best wishes to Rikii, Polly and I hope you see this: Tickle we miss you.



Post 1897


Hi all,I think Sin is about to throw the towel in and I would like us all to stay in touch if possible.
See you all again here soon ?


Post 1898


That sounds familiar. What's happened now? Maybe I'll have a peep.

smiley - tickle
That sounds familiar. What's happened now? Maybe I'll have a peep.


Post 1899


There seems to be an echo in here.

(There seems to be an echo in here.)


Post 1900


Had a peep at Sin's board, but don't really know what all the fuss was about. However, I see Sin has relented - as I suspected she would.

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