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Where are my smilies
pamelamaesteg Started conversation Sep 6, 2011
Hi. Long time no see. I haven't been here for a while but started looking in again when I got the email about the changes. I I see the pages have changed. The smilies on my About me page have disappeared. I see yours are still on. How do I get mine back.
Where are my smilies
BrownFurby Posted Sep 6, 2011
Hello Pamela.
I am not sure because I haven't done anything special to my own smileys they are as they have been since the last century.
The BBC introduced a new version of h2g2 in January 2011 in which a lot of things don't work as they should and because h2g2 got sold before they fixed them, I am not sure what will happen to the new version.
I know you are looking at the new version becuase when you type the word "haven't" it shows for me in the old version as "haven & # 39 ; t"
The old versions at - main h2g2 page - Pamela's page
are still working at the moment (Sept 2011) and the smileys still work on that. If you can get there you could bookmark it if you are now using a PC.
Where are my smilies
pamelamaesteg Posted Sep 6, 2011
I think I know what happened.When you edit pages you can use plain text or Guide ML I think I might have used plain text on my page. So long ago I can't remember. How can I do words like haven't in converations
Where are my smilies
pamelamaesteg Posted Sep 6, 2011
Getting there. I looked at the edit page. I had smiley type written in lower case . I changed it to capitals and Hey Presto . the Smileys are back. . Not quite in the right places though. . Working on that. Whole new learning curve again. I used to be in Alabaster skin . Don't know if they have the different skins now . They did say they were going to. The words like don't are showing up right on the new pages. so I don't suppose they will fix it on the old ones. .I am using a computer now. I still have a Bush set-top but it got too expensive to use for any length of time.
Where are my smilies
BrownFurby Posted Sep 27, 2011
Good work on fixing the smileys. The guideml code is supposed to be in capitals but I guess the old version must have been more forgiving and guessed what we meant whereas the new one wants capitals or else. That is really worth remembering.
Yes it will be a new learning curve but as it will all be changing to a second new version (next week I think - beginning of October) I am not spending any time making the first new version work. Does that make sense it seems rambling when I type it but I know what I mean.
They don't have the skins in the first new version but I understand will be getting them back in the second new version so I will wait and see.
I had a clear out earlier the year and threw my old box out as if the computer packed in now I would get a new computer as it is almost a compulsory part of life these days not just an entertainment toy.
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Where are my smilies
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