This is the Message Centre for Mother of God, Empress of the Universe
azahar Posted Feb 23, 2006
Well, just one is actually a babe. But in fact this is the French girl Laetitia, the one he totally confused with six-inch taller and blonder Marta. Yes, agree that this is kinda sad.
Sounds like you and your roommate came up with a good agreement. Hmmm, transgender prostitutes, eh? I dunno, I find all prostitutes rather sad somehow. Just can't imagine that sort of work, that sort of life, ever feeling truly good for the prostitute.
azahar Posted Feb 23, 2006
Actually, the next batch I have cut for her are super-easy designs. I can make them up in no time flat - hope she will be able to as well.
Thing is, I *need* those pj shirts. They are going to be one of the main products. So I also need Toñi to commit to spending a morning here making one up with me . . . as you know, so far nobody has been able to make one properly (hence your painting smocks).
I need to show her the 'trick' of doing the back neckline, sewn half and half through the shoulder opening. It *is* actually a bit tricky. Also, I have to make sure she doesn't make the front neckline go all wibbly-wobbly. And frankly, if I can do it, then so can somebody else. But so far nobody else has managed it.
Make no mistake - I've been making this same darned lovely shirt for myself over and over and over again for the past twenty years. In all sorts of fabrics, in various premutations. The 'problemita' with this light linen is that I can't use interfacing to hold the front neckline in place . . . so it really does take some skill to keep it straight, to not go wibbly-wobbly. Well, mostly it just takes patience and time. And maybe an extra 'secure' bit of stitching that later on gets ripped out. I don't need the secure stitching myself, but if Toñi needs it, then that's just one more step she'll have to do.
To be honest, all of my styles are super simple. Even the stuff that requires the cotton lace inlays - it's just measure, cut and sew. And if you are making 12 of them - as Ana Mari discovered - then you do all the inlays at once, find your rhythm, and it goes much more quickly that way. Then once all the front bodices are made up with the inlays there, you start constructing the garment.
In fact, I do. I need to have at least a minimum of 12 for basic stock on hand - 2 small, 4 medium, 4 large, 2 extra-large. If that basic stock isn't there then people will get frustrated having to wait an extra week or two before I can get their orders filled.
Also, if we happen to get a wholesale order from a shop, that could wipe out all at least half the stock we have on hand for a particular garment. Most shops will make a minimum order of 1-2-2-1.
So you see, the first production is just the first thing to deal with. Twelve of each. Very basic. My real main concern is how to replenish my stock quickly enough in terms of what the demand for certain garments dictate. Because at this point I have no idea which styles are going to 'take off' or what. But I need at least a week turn-around time, which might end up being more, from the orders placed to getting what isn't in stock cut and sewn and shipped out. THIS is what is going to be the real challenge.
It's also why I wish Ana Mari was available now. But I also don't feel like breaking in yet another sewer if these two are keen on working together. I like that idea a lot. I also know that out of the ten or so sewers I've tried out only Toñi and Ana Mari have been able to produce what I need. So I don't want to lose them.
azahar Posted Feb 25, 2006
Thanks for your email.
Re: personal determination to DO STUFF you're probably talking to the wrong person . . .
I constantly talk myself out of doing exactly what I know would make me feel better, like riding The Bike, doin' them weights, those ab exercises. Often it takes longer talking myself out of it and making the various excuses than just doing it .. . very weird.
So, obviously can't help you out with that one.
Anyhoodle, since I haven't managed to lose 20 kilos I really don't look forward to people muttering behind their lace hankies about my *FAT appearance* when they come here for the meet - and I reckon that will happen. Not with blicky, of course. He saw me all round and chubby last spring - and I'm pretty much the same now as then - even have the photos to prove it. Perhaps I should post one of those photos on the Meet thread so people aren't expecting me to look like the six-year-old first photo in the photo gallery.
Heck, Ben and I could even have a double-chin contest. She said on my thread with Teuchter that she isn't happy about her double chins - well, ha! I've got plenty of those too.
Meanwhile, having a total pj day. It's going on 5pm and I'm still in my pj's. It's a cold rainy winter day out there. Did get some cutting done this morning. And my meeting with Toñi last night went very well - seems we are both on the same wave-length about being a team and working together. So that is a very good thing indeed.
Sounds like 'cuddleduds' is that very fine sort of undergarment that provides very good insulation against the cold. So don't worry about it being lumpy if it keeps you warm. This sort of thing is usually super-fine yet somehow provides good insulation - way better than an extra lumpy t-shirt.
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Feb 26, 2006
Had a pretty good day at work today, though I started it off in a rage at the $%^& disorganized mess and lack of supplies, grumbled and sulked and stomped around, then got over it and just colored people. It ended up well, showed people things they liked and made one whopper sale (over $1000) and a few that were close to $500, so it felt good. I'm having fun with the colors CHANEL came out with this spring.
Had planned to go to the gym this evening, but decided it was more important to rescue olives from drowning, so I came home and mixed a martini instead. After all, it's Saturday night and I *deserve* a break from the routine, right?
(yes dear, of *course* you do)
That's better. I am gonna gleefully accomplish absolutely NOTHING of value this evening, and relish it (probably with more drowned olives).
So, I had an interesting conversation yesterday with some people from Laura Mercier, they're looking for a coordinator/trainer/events person to take the Tampa/Orlando/Naples area, can't seem to find anyone good over there, and some of their makeup artists whom I've worked with in the past wanted to know if I'd be interested in interviewing for the position. Could be a good thing, certainly more responsibility than I have working freelance, but it's salaried with benefits and they pay for the travel expenses, so I think I'll look into it if they're willing to wait til I get home from the Adventure and get moved over to that side of the state. I'll have to think about whether I *really* want to trade my freedom for stability, but maybe something could be worked out. Anyway, nice to know that people thought of me for something like that.
This is weird--now I've made the decision to f*ck off tonight I'm suddenly all antsy to accomplish something. Wish I had the music-makig tools handy so I could start making the Honolulu Crotch Itch thing come out of my head, and I'm too antsy to work on a little painting. I'm such a fickle wench sometimes.
azahar Posted Feb 26, 2006
Sounds like if you are moving (already one major life change) that having a bit more job stability could be quite a good thing. You'll soon find out if your sense of freedom is being affected in a negative way and, if so, you can go always back to freelance. Can't see that you have anything to lose by just trying it out, especially while you are getting settled on the other side of the state.
Last night Noggin offered to take me out for tapas and I told him I was *really* craving pizza (well, craving melted cheeeeese) so we went over to an okay pizza place (our fave place closed down last summer). BUT there were about a kazillion tourists there! So we couldn't get a table. And so . . . tapas it had to be.
But man! It was so blustery and cold and rainy! Noggin said it was like a typical summer evening in Wales . But we had a nice time and today we're getting the *cheeeeese fix*. Melty cheesy, crispy bacon, onion and jalapeños tortilla roll-ups.
With chips! And I wonder why I'm not losing weight . . .
Anyhow, off to *finally* see Walk the Line at the cinema this afternoon.
Meanwhile, got some cutting done this morning. Then Noggin ripped lengths while I rode the bike and did some other stuff. So it's been quite a good day so far.
And now . . . time for lunch!
azahar Posted Feb 27, 2006
So here it is!
Had a long meeting with Chris this morning and by this afternoon we'll have access to the webpage and can start adding stuff. Very exciting! Though also a bit scary to realise that we will be opening in three weeks - eek! I hope the photos with Carmen turn out okay - will be doing those next week.
I also hope we have enough stock by then, though we've decided to just open with whatever we've got. And we are going to put up all the photos with a 'coming soon' notice beside the ones that aren't finished yet, so people can see the whole collection. But there should be at least ten styles to start off with.
Wore my new 'smaller sized' raincoat this morning and it still needs shortening, though only a couple of inches so that it hits just below the knee. Two inches below the knee just looks neither here nor there, if you know what I mean. But I'm really glad I changed it for a smaller size. Wore it today with a light sweater underneath and it fit perfectly.
And some good news for you. I realised this morning that Raquel will still be living next door while you're here and so this means there is an extra duvet going as she bought her own to use. And so you will definitely be snug and warm with the extra blanket and duvet. I also have one of those very fine thermal blankets that I put on the mattress (under the bottom sheet) because otherwise the bed itself feels cold, I suppose because the air in the mattress tends to stay at room temperature. So that's sorted.
I had been hoping that we would be able to rearrange Lua's room for you (putting one table top on top of the other and making space for the air mattress) but it looks like we'll still be cutting then. So it looks like you'll be sleeping in the living room. But I can clear a bit of closet space for you in Lua's room so you can hang some things up and won't be totally living out of your suitcase.
How are things with you? Getting excited? Imagine - just 23 more sleeps and you'll be here!
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Feb 27, 2006
I can't wait to see the website with the things in it. So glad it's moving along!
Excitement is growing daily and I'll be fine sleeping wherever. *smooch*
Tired today, am looking forward to being off tomorrow. Yesterday was kinda harrowing, worked Lancome during a gift in a very busy store and all the regular staff had called out sick, so it was crazy. The customers during gift are pretty evil and I don't work Lancome very often, so I don't know it as well as I do some other lines, and there was a lack of testers coupled with lack of stock that kept things interesting. Not to mention the explosion of moisturizer I had to contend with right in the middle of the busiest part. But I survived, exceeded the sales goal, and they want me to come back, so all's well. They kept telling me how *calm* I was with the nasty customers, guess I kept the frantic inside well under control.
Now must get ready for work, Joshua Bell concert tonight, and then a blissful day off with haircut and painting and gym tomorrow. YAY!
azahar Posted Feb 27, 2006
Such a shame you don't work with Clinique. Meanwhile, if you have any freebies from other places - specifically an oil-free light moisturizer - I'd be very grateful for a free sample.
I can imagine. How silly though. Also those gifts let it be known how cheap the products actually are to produce - that people are buying a name brand and little else.
The woman I usually deal with at the Clinique counter at the Corte Ingés usually gives me the gift even though I only ever buy perfume and perhaps a khol eyeliner ever five years or so - apparently I'm supposed to be buying the skin cleansing products to get a gift.
Weird industry. Perhaps you'd like to comment here?
Re: haircut. Must do this sometime this week I reckon. Hair is definitely way too long atm. So then I get it cut way too short so I don't have to go back for awhile.
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Feb 28, 2006
I'll bring you some O/F moisturizer, might even have a spare of the one I use and it's in a plastic container rather than glass. If not I'll bring you a bunch of sample packettes.
The gift idea was started by Estee Lauder and was originally an elegant way to sample products. People *do* get hooked on the samples, so it works. Only problem is that gift-line customers have come to *expect* the gifts and they're nuts about it--some of them complain about every single thing in the gift, bitch that they already have everything they need, and try to get a gift they hate while arguing about the minimum qualifying purchase. *sigh* Just because you buy a mascara doesn't mean you *deserve* a gift, and just because you buy your moisturizer doesn't mean you've qualified for 2 or more of the things. It's a huge pain in the ass now, and has totally destroyed any concept of client loyalty. That's one reason I prefer to work for the more elite lines. They don't *do* gifts, and when I get customers who gripe about it I just tell them that it's a luxury line and most of the customers buy exactly what they want rather than make do with whatever freebies are thrown at them. That shuts them up. Of *course* the products sell for way more than they cost to produce. It's luxury, for one thing, and then there are people like me there who can help them get the right products and teach 'em how to use them, as well as do their makeup if they have a special event. When you go to an elegant restaurant do you bitch about the price of the food and drinks? Surely not. If you want it cheap you can make it at home. It's the ambiance, dahlink. Some people like to pay for that. Same thing with cosmetics.
Tonight's show was really neat. Joshua Bell on violin and Jeremy Denk on piano. I'd thought it might be kinda sparse, but the sound was amazingly full, and those guys put on such a show! They were really interacting with each other, almost like acting, and it was like they were coaxing and thrashing the music into being. Not what I'd expected, at all. *And* we had the perfect seats, got a box to ourselves with only 3 other people, much more comfortable than sitting in the audience with the rabble. I fear I might have become spoiled.
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Feb 28, 2006
What a beautiful morning I've had! Spent an hour and 1/2 with my hairstylist, I feel totally rejuvenated, exterior and interior. Not that it *takes* that long for a haircut, but he's also a leader in the Buddhist organization I'm part of, and I just LOVE this guy. He's waaaaay not sweetness and light, but he thinks about things analytically and is one of those shining examples of a person whose nature is full of anger and violence, but has learned to use it in ways that make good results, rather than being destructive with it. So he played with my hair for all that time (heaven) and we talked, about his challenges and mine. He's one of those people who, when he's had enough, he's *really* had enough (like me), but he's also one who doesn't hide from confrontations (unlike me). He works through them. We were talking about that, and it's funny how it's coming up in my life a lot lately. I think this recurring theme is a sign that I'm probably ready to start sticking up for myself, maybe making some demands of people rather than just saying "to hell with it", and putting myself in a place where shit won't fling on me. It's a funny mindset I'm in right now, because I've *always* thought that it's not appropriate to make a lot of demands on people in terms of behaving in ways that respect (or maybe make allowances for) my boundaries and limitations. I just disappear when things become too overwhelming. I'm starting to wonder whether that's the best way, or just the most peaceful on the surface but with a lot of underlying tension.
I guess I'd better sort through this issue soon, because I'm determined to 'escape' south Florida(aggression and agitation) for Tampa (people who tend to react a bit more like I do). If I don't figure out what needs changing in *me*, and make the changes, I'll be in the same position, just somewhere new until I figure it out. That's the bugger about karma, you can't shake it until you move it. WHO set things up this way?
Dammit. I've been avoiding stirring things up in such a fundamental way. I *like* my peaceful little Britta's World, it's such a lovely change from the torment I used to be in before I learned to apply the Happy stuff as a balm. heh. Guess I'll just have to remember that once I'm actually *in* the next phase I'll look back and wonder whatever posessed me to wait so long. That's how it's been in the past, but damn, it's hard to give up the ways I'm used to, even when they don't bring all the results I want. *sigh*
I AM a woman of limitless potential.
I *am* a woman of limitless potential.
I am a woman of limitless potential....
azahar Posted Mar 16, 2006
Well, that's nice, and personal growth is always a good thing. Though one must always take care not to stab any others in the heart (or back) whilst one is going through a 'growth experience'. Even though it may not be intentional some people might take it this way.
Just to say that something that might 'read well' or 'sound good' as a personal growth philosophy might not always take into account the whole picture outside your own particular and new outlook on life. Like, for example, all those people who were there previously. In your pre-enlightened life.
I don't think sticking up for oneself means 'confrontation' per se. In fact, most assertiveness training is about refusing to do things you might feel obliged to do and not feel capable of doing. Which means simply being able to express to people what you are thinking at the time, rather than just going along and ending up feeling angry and resentful later on.
And so, simply doing the opposite wouldn't seem to make much sense.
Expressing thoughts doesn't have to be a confrontational matter. And really, if you (or anyone) feels a need to express something then that ends up being *your* responsibility, not the responsibility of the one(s) who you may think don't or won't understand. How would they know otherwise?
Frankly, I reckon most people are quite okay when told by someone that they simply cannot do a certain thing - it's an open and honest statement. No problem. I think it's only when one has pretended to be capable and then has to admit to not being so that weirdness happens. Mostly because of the previous pretending bit.
Anyhow, lots of luck with your new 'sticking up for yourself' policy. Hope it works out for you.
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Mar 17, 2006
Thanks for the wish.
Seems to be working pretty well so far. I've set boundaries with a few people where I needed to, only in one case was it confrontational. After trying to find a way to go forward, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth further effort, there was nothing I could do that would make 'em happy with me, anyway. Today was a big one in terms of Personal Growth, the CHANEL rep who hires me most (and who went all ballistic when I took that couple weeks work for Napoleon the beginning of this year) was all agitated because the event we were doing wasn't going too well, started getting nasty with me about 'wasting too much time' with a customer who kept making phone calls and plain wouldn't shut up and let me get on with it. I asked the rep if it would have been ok in terms of proper CHANEL service for me to tell the woman to turn off the phone and quit talking to me so I could finish my spiel and move on to the next client. The rep just looked at me and said "no." So I asked her what she would have done if she'd been in my position.
She suddenly had to go get involved in something else, but a while later she came and apologized for yelling at me for something that wasn't my fault, that she knows I always do my best to make the events go smoothely.
That was pretty cool, and I have a feeling that she *got* it that I'll not put up with random abuse just because she feels like having a temper tantrum and blowing off steam. It'll feel *really* good when I get to tell her at tomorrow's event that that particular 'waste-of-time client' came back after the rep left and bought $371 of the stuff I showed her.
>Frankly, I reckon most people are quite okay when told by someone that they simply cannot do a certain thing - it's an open and honest statement. No problem. I think it's only when one has pretended to be capable and then has to admit to not being so that weirdness happens. Mostly because of the previous pretending bit.<
There's another, more subtle and truer interpretation of that dynamic, ya know. People don't have to be 'pretending' to be capable, they can just be trying to do something in the name of friendship that finally wears them out. Unfortunately, people who are accustomed to constantly using others as receptacles for their rants and insecurities and problems don't seem to like it much when the seemingly bottomless pit overflows and there's no more space for accepting that kinda endless outpouring.
One thing I've been thinking about is that I need to start doing occasional 'relationship evaluations', make sure that the give and take flows both ways, that there's a *mutual* benefit to be had from the involvements I'm in. If I do that then things'll not reach critical mass like I've allowed them to in the past, and I'll not be disappointed when I finally *do* ask for something *I* want help with and get told to figure it out and take care of it myself.
azahar Posted Mar 17, 2006
I've never understood people who let themselves be 'taken advantage of', especially in the 'name of friendship'.
Sounds like a martyr thing to me. Good thing you're getting over it .
azahar Posted Mar 19, 2006
Just got your email.
No problem at all meeting you at the airport as long as the last 'before lunch break' airport bus gets there in time. I'll check that out.
You've never heard of 'a tapa' in the singular before? Well it basically means a snacky portion of food. One tapa, or many tapas if you prefer. A tapa meal was just an adjective - I guess I could have said a 'tapas meal' . . .?
Yeah, I think the 'info packs' are quite nice. Put quite a bit of thought and effort into it, printing out pages of favourite tapas bars & restaurants, also places to shop and see some good (non-touristy) flamenco. Together with the local touristy map in which I circled where everyone was staying, as well as where P and I live.
So, pretty much thinking everyone is going to have a nice time. Teuchter said she'd like P and me to be at their hotel to greet them, so I reckon we can do that as I finish working an hour or so before they'll get there.
Well, bon voyage, as they say . . .
Mother of God, Empress of the Universe Posted Mar 20, 2006
I'm terribly excited! It's after midnight, I'm *exhausted* after this week of gonzo working, and I'm *still* all a-boingy.
My travel agent? guy who handled the reservation? emailed me that afternoon bus into the city runs every 30 minutes except between 3-5pm, at which time only one bus will make the route. Even if there *is* a bus sitting right there we'll take a taxi, he says it's about 10-15 minutes walking from the bus stop to the hostal, and I've no desire to haul the luggage that far. Besides, the suitcase is kinda big, don't want to deal with it on a bus when I'm likely to be a bit punchy.
Don't let me forget to get euros at the airport, ok? I have a few, will just get a bunch of em so I don't have to keep searching for ATMs throughout the visit.
I'll be mostly home tomorrow, packing (that suitcase is going to be *stuffed*!), cleaning the apartment, final details. I'll leave MSN on, will check it periodically in case you need to make contact.
I think it's going to be awesome! Had dinner with Terry(the guy I went to Washington DC with) and he told me to try to keep it to less than 1000 pics. HAH! As if! I'll probably have that many before 3 days have elapsed. His partner is looking forward to seeing all of them, though. *He* appreciates my obsessive photo-tours.
azahar Posted Mar 20, 2006
Can you double check that the 14.50 arrival time is Spanish time (not UK time)?
And please call me on my mobile phone from Heathrow if there is any delay. Otherwise I'll take the last bus out, which should get to the airport just after 15.00 - you should have your luggage and be out of customs by then.
If for some reason you can't find me at the airport call my mobile phone to see what happened before getting a taxi.
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- 529: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Feb 28, 2006)
- 530: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Feb 28, 2006)
- 531: azahar (Mar 16, 2006)
- 532: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Mar 17, 2006)
- 533: azahar (Mar 17, 2006)
- 534: azahar (Mar 19, 2006)
- 535: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (Mar 20, 2006)
- 536: azahar (Mar 20, 2006)
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