A Conversation for H2G2's Musehome

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Post 1

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Inspired to be a muse!?? Please let me know in this forum... and I will reply with the speed of Hermes, Jeus willing!! smiley - smiley

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 2


Could I be the Muse of Inebriety?

I think I am well qualified http://www.h2g2.com/A410301

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 3

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Oh, why not!!! smiley - smiley ::ZAP!!!:: Happy Musings, Silly... smiley - tongueout

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 4


"and I will reply with the speed of Hermes" so that's one reply every 5 and a half hours smiley - tongueout

you can link my name to my space if you want http://www.h2g2.com/U128068
smiley - smiley

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 5

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

The speed of Hermes is transitory; weather and winged shoes depending!!! smiley - smiley

I'll link you up, Doctor!!! Please have a link back to the Musehome on your page... smiley - smiley

Thanks be to... Zeus...

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 6


I'll do it as soon as I do. Sorry, I have trouble keeping good time and have to be as vague as possible.

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 7

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Be not sorry when dealing with the wiles of a woman. I'm referring to time, I'll have you know: so fleeting one day, and wearisome the next!!! smiley - smiley

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 8

Stealth Munchkin

Can I be muse of record production (I would have been listening to old LPs but I got beaten to that...)

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 9


I'm sure you can help me to help smiley - smiley Muse of helping muses???

Well, I think maybe I *could* need a muse of record production, only that's IRL (I'm recording with my choir at the moment)

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 10


btw. Couldn't we find someone to be Muse of Turning The Computer Off And Go To Bed. I could need some help for that!!!

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 11

Stealth Munchkin

You're not the only one there...

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 12

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Agreed. What can we do to please the gods!?? smiley - tongueout

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 13


I thought *you* would know, mom smiley - winkeye

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 14

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

OH, I do!!! Don't get me wrong, darling!!! I just want my muses to be creative in their own right, so they will be ready to enter the real world when they grow up(plus, I tend to be diplomatic, and have an interest in any ideas that are being formed out there....) smiley - tongueout

Oh!!! My little Ottox is questioning authority all ready!!! smiley - smiley

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 15

MyBrainHurts (Muse of bows and strings, principal viola of the h2g2 orchestra)

I would like to be muse of bows and strings. The violin and violon family seems to be sadly under-represented at h2g2 so far. I think this field needs a muse to liven up. How about it?

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 16

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I love it!!! One of my closest friends teaches the violin, and has an electric pick-up for hers when she plays on stage with this little band she's joined!!! smiley - smiley

::extends her hand:: I am principal oboe in the h2g2 symphony. Nice to meet you, and congratulations on your illustrious title!!! smiley - smiley

::ZAP!!!:: Muse of bows and strings you now are!!! Lemmee know if you want a link... smiley - smiley

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 17

MyBrainHurts (Muse of bows and strings, principal viola of the h2g2 orchestra)

Deeply honored indeed! *musing* smiley - smiley
I gladly accept.

I don't have an electric pickup, since I am from the classical side me-own-self. And although I am no professional violist and violinist, I have been said to be inspiring among colleagues. I will be looking out for more companions on h2g2.

OK, set up your link. How do I formally link to MuseHome?

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 18

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Have you been to the GuideML page!?? smiley - smiley

Good luck with your search for fellow companions...

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 19

MyBrainHurts (Muse of bows and strings, principal viola of the h2g2 orchestra)

Thanks, I managed.
Problem with searching for people by instrument is that you get a lot of hits, but very many of them haven't been online for months and probably gave up. It's tedious. Oh well... smiley - smiley

Official Museship Sign-up

Post 20

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I am having the same problem with finding Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Bacchus, etc... Shazz with The Post is very helpful!!! http://www.h2g2.com/U54963 I'd write to her about getting a classified ad to help you find fellow musicians.... smiley - smiley

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