A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 1


I have five letters.
If you take the first and last,
I will still be the same.
Even if you then take away tthe middle letter,
I will be that same as before.
What am I?

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 2

Danny B

I've got to go and watch the football now smiley - smiley so I'm going to say:

A postman - even if you take his letters away, he's still a postman...

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 3


smiley - steam anyone got anymore paper, I must have filled up half a dozen sheets already smiley - grr

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 4


OMG that was a pain in the neck


smiley - groan

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 5


The rack in a game of scrabble. Of course its will have to be at the end of the game when only a few letters are left.
Only joking. smiley - bubbly whisky!
smiley - bluefish

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 6

The Ghost of Polidari

Please excuse me for not replying, but I appear to have just drunk a bottle of wine...

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 7


you could have saved some for the rest of us polidari

smiley - winkeye

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

Never mind the wine, can anybody provide the answer? I'm still racking my brains.

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 9

The Ghost of Polidari

I think Whisky's probably right.

P.S. It's okay - I've got another bottle of wine on my desk for afters...

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 10

Gnomon - time to move on

Here's my proposed answer, inspired by Polidari's bottle of wine:

A snore!

ZZZZZ --> ZZZ --> ZZ

smiley - yawn

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 11

Seagull's Lost Horizon

a word?

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 12

Sprant; the Stygian One

A landlord? smiley - smiley

Friday 07th June 2002

Post 13


Very well done Whisky... ~grin~... Empty was what I was looking for... a muchly deserved point to you... ~grin~

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