A Conversation for Puddle Jumping

ermm.. yeah

Post 1


Why isn't puddle jumping an olympic sport? Why? If curling gets the respect of the masses surely puddlers should also.

ermm.. yeah

Post 2


Please note...or nb;...or at least
be aware,...PUDDLE JUMPING at any
level, from novice to fully off/piste
expert....is subject to regulations
relating to safety for splashers & spectators alike.
Trenchfoot Regulation 16, sub-aqua section,para 1a..h2o..
is fully endorsed & subscribed to by the
British Institute of Wellytesting recommendations, to follow
all requirements of the Trenchfoot regs ...& paying special heed
to the good practice section stating
all Wellies used in this pursuit be of the WELLYTESTERS GUILD approved
variety...So have fun enjoying your chosen sport, but remember to
always pull on a RUBBER before diving in, We dont want any unfortunate accidents do we?
Good Quality Rubbers make sense, PLEASE USE 'EM BEFORE YOU SPLASH OUT!...

ermm.. yeah

Post 3


Also spectators watching this event should stand a good 6ft away from the puddle 'arena' so as to aviod splashes which could result in hypothermia. The sports leaders are now considering selling anoraks with the competitors names displyed on them so as to not only boost the sports budget but also make everyone look like utter twits... The extra cash should be spent on brooms to sweepaway leaves which can be slipped apon causing severe brain injury as well as clothes stains.

NB All of this is untrue... but should be considered if this makes an olympic sport.

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