A Conversation for Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 1

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

Another essay I submitted recently... quite an interesting topic, though I have never read the Bible as much in a lifetime as I did the day before it was due...

A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 2

Martin Harper

Hmm - intriguing.

You would do well to rename it "Jesus Christ". After all, we don't have an entry on the guy at all...

If you don't mind, I'll drop a link here at the FFFF and the christian group - see if we can get a little more commentary...

ok - specific comments follow:
drop most of the footnotes which are references to books - this the guide, not an essay - we don't need references.

"Nevertheless, through this (and perhaps because of it), the " - consider changing "through" to "despite". Clumsy sentence as is.

Josephus: some claim that Josephus was transcribed correctly, some claim that it was embellished, some claim that the entire thing was inserted en masse by ye olde christian liars. Try "widely accepted"?

It can certainly be denied (that they are based on historical truth) - people have - "widely believed"?

That pilate would not have been interested in the religious law of a religion he thought was wrong would seem to me to be hardly worth stating, but I guess not.

The loaves and fishes thing should probably not be stated as fact... smiley - smiley I wonder if there is a way to avoid continually resaying "the gospel suggests that" - a reordering, perhaps?

on your second point, it might be worth adding that regardless of what he was, according to the bible some saw him as someone to do the nationalist thing as well as the religious thing. The queries on taxation, the fact he has a zealot amongst his followers, and some of the things the crowds said.

On your third point, you've missed the quote were Jesus says "I come not to bring peace, but a sword". This is a point were the gospels are in contradiction, and the truth is unknowable, I suspect.

A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 3

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

Thanks for your comments.

I will change the Josephus reference to "widely accepted" as that is more accurately what I was trying to say.

As for the loaves and the fishes, I will make it clear that only reportedly did this incident occur.

Your point about Jesus' comment about the sword I think is figurative. It is clear from a majority of other references that he did not condone the use of violence. I think when he says "I came not to bring peace but the sword" he means he has no regard for the consequences - he has a message to bring, and no one will stop him. Nonetheless, if you can give me an actual Bible reference for that quote, I will certainly make mention of it.

I won't change the title though. This entry concerns itself more with the political aspect of Jesus' life than the religious. I don't think I could do him justice, so I will leave that to someone with a better knowledge.


A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 4


Lucinda wrote:

'"Nevertheless, through this (and perhaps because of it), the " - consider changing "through" to "despite". Clumsy sentence as is.'

Actually, it should read: 'Despite this (and perhaps because of it0, the...'

Since 'Nevertheless' and 'Despite' would be redundant.

Now I should probably go off and read the article...


A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 5

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

No worries, I already noticed that (although that's one bit I forgot to change... maybe I'll do that now.).

Cheers anyway,

A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 6

Martin Harper

http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/contra/sword.html gives a list of three refences to a sword-bearing Jesus.

I see your point about the title - never good to overplay your hand.

A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 7


Seems a good enough article. I have to admit I skimmed it, though.


A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 8

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I have to disagree with one of the suggestions offered above. Any time you pull direct quotes, you should mention where those quotes came from, with a footnote at a minimum. This is not only good etiquette, but it keeps you out of court for copyright infringement. smiley - winkeye

I must confess, however, that I feel this article has very little chance of becoming a part of the Edited Guide. It seems like a silly request when the arguments for the other side are all-pervasive, but the Towers are looking for "balance" on controversial issues. To me, that sounds as rediculous as giving "equal time" to Creation theory in science classes, but they didn't ask me.

If it's any consolation, though, we can post this at the library for the Freedom From Faith Foundation, h2g2's leading (well, also its only, so we've got quite a lead on the competition smiley - winkeye) freethought forum. And we're going to start giving special consideration to rejected articles... it will become a badge of honor to wear with pride there. smiley - tongueout

So, if you're interested, just pop over to the Foundation and look around, and let me know. And I do wish you luck in the official channels, too.

The Foundation is here: http://www.h2g2.com/a254314

A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 9

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

I have, in the past, visited the freedom from faith foundation, but I have to confess, I don't agree with its aims or rationale.

I agree with the idea that people should not be subjected to other people's opinions, but this does not mean they should be treated as imbeciles.

I would prefer that this was not referenced by the Foundation, purely because I don't want to get involved in an argument that I disagree with.

Don't get me wrong, you guys are entitled to your opinions, too, but I don't know how reasonable you are being.

A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 10

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I don't know where you got that impression, since, while many of us engage in heated debates, we don't go around calling anyone an imbecile. We pick apart their arguments, but leave their persons intact. Still, although I may not agree with your assessment, I respect your wishes.

A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 11

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

Sorry, perhaps I phrased that wrongly.

Although I know you don't resort to ad hominem attacks in your arguments, I do get the impression that you consider those with different beliefs as a bit less intelligent than the rest of us.

I will, however, admit that I don't believe in God, I don't believe in Creationism, and I disagree with State-led prayer in schools.

A413434 - Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

Post 12

Mark Moxon

Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum at the author's request.

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