A Conversation for Jesus Christ - Rebel Against Rome?

jesus "the messiah"

Post 1


recently i have read 2 books which i have 2 recommend. u may have already read them but if not FIND THEM AND READ THEM NOW. the first is titled "the holy blood & the grail", and was written by michael baigent, richard leigh & henry lincoln. im afraid cant do a proper review as i would do it no justice, also the subject matter is 2 great 2 condense into such a short space. suffice it 2 say that the discovery of 3 scrolls down the pipes of a church, hidden away in a small village in the south east of france, could have revealed the 2000 year old secret of the holy grail.the results r startling, covering 2000 years of history, detailing secret societies, and ultimately offering an image of christ that shatters convention. this, it must b stressed, was not the intended pot of gold 4 the researchers and certainly overshadowed their main point...the restoration of the french merovingian bloodline.

the second book is its sequel " the messianic legacy " againby the same authors. this book deals more with 1 particular secret society(" the prieure of sion") but also explores in depth "jesus" the person, not jesus the myth.thought provoking arguments with convincing evidence, i cannot recommend them enuff.

i shall b covering this subject on my own page, in more depth, in due course. i apologies in advance for the delay but i am new 2 h2g2 2nite & want to cover this subject concisely, and informatively.

jesus "the messiah"

Post 2

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

That's great. Unfortunately I'm a bit busy at the moment to read those books, but I look forward to your Guide Entries. Make sure you post to this thread again when you've finished them.

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