A Conversation for Driving Etiquette - Israel


Post 1


Take a bus are you crazy, they drive faster than the trains and the trains sometimes don't go at all..the cabies are drivers and if you dont drive then let someone else?? no way!!

You can try walking on the sidewalk but watch out for the kids with their scooters and bikes on one side and the cars that sometimes like to crash (for the fun of it) into the buildings or lightpost that are ON the sidewalks.

walking is the safest way to get anyware that is close by....if youre destination is far, flip a coin it doesn't matter


Post 2

Yael Smith

Busses are usually the best solution for transportation problems. The trains are pretty good, too. I usually take the bus, and not all bus drivers are maniacs. Truck drivers are SO MUCH worse!! smiley - blue And about Taxi drivers - they either charge too much or talk too much, or drive too fast, or all 3. Don't go there!
Btw, I myself am an Israeli driver, and I've never touched the sidewalk with my wheels so please...


Post 3


Just to make some matters clear here:

1. Busses do explode occasionally.

2. When they don't explode they never come on time. A line that is supposed to come every 20 minutes usually does so at least every 40 minutes (if not more, and then they usually come in pairs or even threes).

3. Busses are extremely slow.

4. Israeli Taxi drivers are the worst, but it's better to be inside a taxi than driving alongside it.

5. Driving in Israel is part of our national hobby, which is making wars.

6. If there's anything worse than a male Israeli driver it is the female drivers.

7. Walking is not recommended as well.

8. Best thing for a hitchhiker to do is to take the underground (which hasn't been built yet but is still preferrable to all other options).

9. And I didn't even mention the bloody traffic jams...

Excuse me???

Post 4


Female drivers are usually much better than male drivers! Could be because of the fact that women don't usually turn their head around whenever a big-bosomed-long-legged blonde crosses the road!

Excuse me???

Post 5

C Hawke

Maybe true, but I know at least one female to be distracted by hunky men whilst shouting "huba, huba, huba", times are a changing.


Excuse me???

Post 6


I didn't say female drivers in general were bad. I was specifically referring to Israeli female drivers, whose almost non-existant driving skills are, to my opinion, due to insecurity and low self esteem, which are a result of an extremely chauvinistic culture. It is true that female driving in Israel is less violent and fast, but its hesitancy and indecisiveness could be as dangerous as male driving, if not more so.

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