A Conversation for Driving Etiquette - Israel

Take a bus? they explode!

Post 1


Since busses in Israel tend to explode every now and then, I wouldn't reccomend them. Taxies drivers are rude and may take advantage of the innocent turist, but won't kill you.

Take a bus? they explode!

Post 2

Researcher 167114

Cut the bullshit.
I am from Israel and I need to take a bus 4 times for a day, EVERY DAY, so don't sell me this crack.

Take a bus? they explode!

Post 3

Yael Smith

This is such a nasty thing to say!!! I live in Israel, I ride 6 busses a day And i'm still here to tell about it. You don't have to believe *everything* you see on TV. And BTW - if you haven't been here, you have no right to say anything bad.

Take a bus? they explode!

Post 4

Tempted Soul

You're right, he's such a nasty man; buses don't explode, it's usually naughty people with a couple of sticks of economy dynamite strapped to their chest that explode.
Taxi drivers do kill though, normally with their singing which they always, without exception, decide to inflict upon you. Badly. They're usually Russian too, no bad thing except they've only been in the country five minutes and don't understand my first language English nor my pitiful attempts at Hebrew.
I recommend getting your own car. Best advice is to think of the most unlikeliest thing each driver will do and then watch them do it. The Arabs don't need to kill the Israelis they do a damn fine job of it themselves.

Take a bus? they explode!

Post 5


so, that brilliat man posted about the non exploding taxis!
well, one poor traveler had to start all over again listening for your remark!!!
you, people of the guide, must evoid entries that will end your life in such a negative way!
people must have the right to choose there one death. you are lucky he did not sue you.
b.y.w. I live in israel...

Gosh, would you stop that?!

Post 6


It's oblvious every person who posted a message here is from israel, why else would you want to read about israeli drivers? So stop with the I'm-from-israel-which-means-I-know-better-than-you-about-israeli-drivers-which-means-I'm-right-and-the-rest-of-the-world-is-wrong-including-you-so-shut-the-f**k-up attitude, would you?! We know you're from Israel, we're also from Israel, we all take buses although they explode and we all know better because we live in this peacefull nice-weathered little country, ok? So calm down and try writing something usefull for a change!

Gosh, would you stop that?!

Post 7

Tempted Soul

I'm not from Israel, but it's obvious that those that are and post here are mental and can't take a joke. "Calm down". The point of this forum is not necessarily to write about something useful but to write about whatever takes our fancy. Not that I fancy Israeli taxi drivers. (Well there is this nice Russian one, his moustaches...)

Gosh, would you stop that?!

Post 8


I'm from Israel too (yeepee!) and all I can tell you is that the bus drivers are WAY more rude than the taxi drivers. In fact, the driver that bring us back from school sometimes slaps children who don't behave..
BTW: buses exploding? that is SO 1996!

Gosh, would you stop that?!

Post 9



Frequency of Explosion

Post 10

Researcher 233605

It is a fact that busses do explode, but that still doesn't make them any more dangerous than driving. All it changes is the relative danger between taking a bus in Israel compared to other countries.

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