This is the Message Centre for There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

That's just weird

Post 1

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

One of the thoughts that popped into my head this morning while laying in bed thinking about getting up was 'How long have William and Kate been married now? Isn't about time she was up the duff and producing an heir?'. And lo, she is smiley - weird

That's just weird

Post 2


I have nothing to add, except that I'm not sure what's more weird, you being weirdly correct with your timing, or the fact you were idly wondering that at all!

smiley - fairy

That's just weird

Post 3

Baron Grim

It must mean he's psychic. Let's get him booked on the daytime talk shows right now. I'm sure Doctors Phil and Oz will be glad to have him on. Oh... and he can also get a series on the Learning and History channels. Have you spoken with aliens yet?

That's just weird

Post 4

Mu Beta

There was a fairly unsubtle hint dropped when they visited a children's hospital last week, and were unusually receptive of presents of babygrows.


That's just weird

Post 5

Rudest Elf

"laying in bed" smiley - space That really would be weird. smiley - spacesmiley - winkeye

It'll be Kate's job soon enough, though.

smiley - reindeersmiley - spacesmiley - run

That's just weird

Post 6

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Spoken with aliens? No. Oh, wait, yes. All the time!!!

Will that get my fee increased? smiley - tongueout

That's just weird

Post 7

Baron Grim

Heh... I just saw the following SMS text exchange.

Wife: "Guess who's pregnant?!? smiley - smiley
Husband: "Oh Jesus smiley - bleep no"
Wife: "Prince William and Kate are having a baby!"
Husband: "You have no idea how happy I am for them now"

smiley - rofl

That's just weird

Post 8

Baron Grim

Oh... wait... small correction. Not husband and wife and the female had DNA following her name. In this context I have to assume that stands for Do Not Answer. So...

smiley - rofl

That's just weird

Post 9

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - laugh

That's just weird

Post 10

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Incidentally, if you think the press coverage is stupid now (take a look at the video ), just wait until the thing's born smiley - rolleyes

That's just weird

Post 11


One the plus side, nine months is a very long time in media terms. I just hope they can give her some peace to grow the sprog. Look what the stress of producing an heir has done to the Japanese Empress.

smiley - fairy

That's just weird

Post 12


Sorry, Crown Princess, wrong generation.

smiley - fairy

That's just weird

Post 13

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Interesting that she should feel under pressure to produce a male heir when it's a known fact now that the sex of the child is determined by the male gamete, not the female. We're long past the days when a certain British monarch was displeased and frustrated with his wives for not producing a son.

That's just weird

Post 14

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - musicalnote 'an every one was an 'enry smiley - musicalnote

smiley - laugh

That's just weird

Post 15

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

And it's not like a female ruler is unheard ofsmiley - laugh

That's just weird

Post 16

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

True. But a female bishop in the very church whose head (and defender of the faith) is currently female? Perish the thought!

That's just weird

Post 17


I wish them well,hope the baby is healthy, yada yada. Same things I wish for any couple expecting a child. But what really deserves media attention is Gosho's prediction. BG, I like the plan to call Dr. Oz.

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