A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Sub-editor

Voluntary Sub-editing

Post 1

Rebecca Bentley


I've been subbing for my uni paper and would love to gain some more experience by sub-editing for you. How do I get involved?



Voluntary Sub-editing Rebushka

Post 2

Rebecca Bentley

I missed out my nick name in the subject of the first posting, sorry.


Voluntary Sub-editing Rebushka

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

Your nickname is shown as Rebecca. smiley - smiley

I'm sure a sub-editor will be along shortly and tell you a bit more than I can do. From what I recall, you should first get involved with the site, especially with PeerReview first. Dip your toe in, participate, watch. Maybe write an entry even, so you get a feeling for the subbing process from the 'other' perspective. smiley - ok

Voluntary Sub-editing Rebushka

Post 4

The H2G2 Editors

Hi Rebecca! Huge apologies for the *enormous* delay in responding to you here. (For some inexplicable reason we managed to unintentionally unsubscribe ourselves from this page.) Anyway, a belated warm welcome to h2g2 and any questions you have about subbing or anything at all h2g2-related please let us know here. We're subscribed now. smiley - ok

Voluntary Sub-editing Rebushka

Post 5

Rebecca Bentley

Haha, no worries! Thank you for the welcome, Rebecca.

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