A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Sub-editor

Lisa84 (14352847) Sub-editor volunteer

Post 1



I've been looking for a way to gain some sub-editing experience and came across this website. So if possible, I would like to volunteer my services.



Lisa84 (14352847) Sub-editor volunteer

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

Jello, Lisa! And welcome to h2g2, or hootoo, as we call it. smiley - smiley

An <./>ACE</.> will drop by your personal space soon to welcome you properly and give you a quick tour of the place, with some handy links and so on - this site can be confusing for beginners!

You should probably write a few Edited Guide Entries of your own before you become a sub-editor, so you can learn first hand how the process works and get acquianted with the Writing-Guidelines and the house style. That's the usual way round. Though perhaps our wise and powerful Editors will let you skip straight to the subbing - I've e-mailed them to tell them we have new volunteers.

Why don't you have a look around PeerReview while you wait for an official answer from our Editors? You can comment on works in progress there (since those are the entries you'd later be subbing) and, of course, you can submit one of your own.

If you don't know what to write about, you can check the <./>FleaMarket</.> for abandoned entries to finish instead. That would be a good way to learn to work with what other people have written.

Good luck! And if you need any help, just leave a reply here and I'll be happy to answer any questions. I'm a person, not an automated message, and I'm a sub-editor myself. Though if it's urgent, you should probably ask your <./>ACE</.>; I'm starting a new job next week and might not be around so much. smiley - smiley

Lisa84 (14352847) Sub-editor volunteer

Post 3

Malabarista - now with added pony

Er, *hello*, I mean smiley - blush Sorry for the typo.

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