A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Sub-editor

Application: Sub-Editor (I have it in me!)

Post 1

The Frog

I hope you read this. I'd like to become a sub editor. I'm usually online most of my waking hours, and my eeeengleees is reellyreely gudd. (that was a joke) My english IS good, in case you didn't understand that :p I've done editing for a couple of my friends, because they just don't have the patience for that.

Anyways, I think mental maturity is one of the criteria required to become a sub - editor, and that's another thing I do have.

Does the fact that I've been to 29 countries count? I think that by seeing a huge chunk of our world, that would be very very helpful in my H2G2 job.

What do you think? Hope I get accepted!!
My name's Altaf, you can call me THE FROG, (U194177)
Thanks for taking the time out to read this.

Application: Sub-Editor (I have it in me!)

Post 2

World Service Memoryshare team

Dear Frog,

Thanks for volunteering to be a sub - all your experience sounds great, so when I do my next round of recruiting, I shall let you know. In the meantime, it might be worth you spending some time in Peer Review so that you can see the sorts of entries that are coming up (if you're not doing this already). I'll be in touch soon!

smiley - ok


Application: Sub-Editor (I have it in me!)

Post 3

The Frog


Application: Sub-Editor (I have it in me!)

Post 4

World Service Memoryshare team

smiley - smiley

Application: Sub-Editor (I have it in me!)

Post 5


>> Anyways, I think mental maturity is one of the criteria required to become a sub - editor, and that's another thing I do have.

Then you'll forgive me for being confused about the post from you on my personal page.

Application: Sub-Editor (I have it in me!)

Post 6

The Frog

well, I also have the spirit of a little boy inside my soul. :p

Application: Sub-Editor (I have it in me!)

Post 7


smiley - ok. You're not a scientist are you (see "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish)?

BTW, you might like to knwo that you're the third person to post strange stuff to my PP this month - although one of them was Abi trying to get more people in the music clubs smiley - erm.

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