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New Member Oct 20, 2000

Post 1


Sorry, I'm clean out of catchy subject lines! A warm welcome to our newest member, Curator Chick!


New Member Oct 20, 2000

Post 2

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

Thanks!!!!! Can you explain to me how I can put a link to your page on my page . . . or how I put a link to any page???


Post 3


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New Member Oct 20, 2000

Post 4

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

Thanks!!!!!!!!! You will find the link on my site . . . I'm also going to add some of my personal favorites and a journal entry.


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