This is the Message Centre for HVS

Fat Free

Post 1

The Pink Dandelion (Taraxacum non-officinale) - Keeper of the Shrubbery


As a vegetarian on a constant diet (to prevent weight gain, rather than to lose existing weight - and to keep on wearing those hotpants on a saturday night...) I wanted to draw your attention to the vegetarian fat free archive, (URL removed by moderator)Please add it to your links! Veggies tend to be slim anyway (unless unlucky on the glands front) but those who do want to diet often can't use the diets listed in many books because the meals are all meaty. (Apart from Rose Elliot's great work "Vegetarian Slimming") So give up on the diets and just make all your meals using recipes from this archive. Most of them are pretty yummy too! The odd one or two taste like cardboard/wallpaper but I've had a 99% gorgeous-tasting hit rate so far!

Oooooohhhhhhh - and I'd like to join please! Have been veggie since age 13, and always enjoyed the company of the similar minded, whatever their reasons!

Pink/......smiley - angel

Fat Free

Post 2


Hi Pink! I added the link, and put you on the member list. Welcome to the H2G2 Vegetarian Society!


Fat Free

Post 3

The Pink Dandelion (Taraxacum non-officinale) - Keeper of the Shrubbery


Pink....... smiley - smiley

Fat Free

Post 4

Researcher 168963

Can I join too? I have absolutely nothing to contribute to this conversation, I just didn't want to start a new thread just to ask if I could join.
Cheers (have a veggieburger smiley - burger on me.)

Fat Free

Post 5


You're in! Welcome to the H2G2 Vegetarian Society.


Fat Free

Post 6


Ditto ditto and ditto, can I join too? Though I am a bit hurt by the hotpants wearing veggie who seems to think that all veggies were created equal in size...
smiley - smiley

Fat Free

Post 7


Consider yourself joined. By the way, I hope to start working on this place again. Eventually. Meanwhile, please feel free to start some new vegetarian conversations. That's why this place is here. Oh, and does anyone know if the Annual h2g2 parade is still on, and if so when it is? We should start working on a float if it is. I wonder where Pegasus is. < /rant >


Post 8

Seagull's Lost Horizon

Ok I'll join if you let me haven't eaten meat for 4 years

Fat Free

Post 9


Here I am.smiley - smiley *rubs bleary eyes then looks dreamily at new computer*

*looks over shoulder at old PC huddled in corner and sniggers* That'll teach you.smiley - tongueout

Think a little article on the current UK 'foot and mouth' crisis' might be in order round here, if anyone has a moment to hunt out a link or write a little something. If farm animals weren't subjected to the inhumane and disgusting practice of being shipped around from pillar to post continually, this couldn't have spread as it did.

Got a little catching up to do, so will pick up at HVS as soon as I can.

Hi to all fellow veggies, and a big warm welcome to all the new HVS members.smiley - biggrin


Fat Free

Post 10

Wolfman, Zaphodista :X (soon to be Zarquon again, or maybe not)

Welcome back Pegasus! Good idea. If no one else wants to do it, I'll try to get around to it this weekend, but I'm always very busy so if someone else wants to, I'd appreciate it.

Seagull: Sorry I took so long to adding you. Computer problems. Anyway, you're on there now. Welcome to the HVS! BTW, I looked at your page, and I must say you have good taste in entertainment! Red Dwarf is my favorite show ever (which is really saying something since most Americans never heard of it) and Queen is my favorite band of all time!

Fat Free

Post 11


Z? You sneaked that name change in pretty nippy last night! How are you?

I've got some *urgent* subbing to do, plus a website to build, plus general 'getting the computer to run how I want', so it could be a week or so before I can get back in the swing.

Got the feeling h2g2 was a little deserted... barely a familiar name in sight yesterday. Hope it's just transient. I've missed people!


Fat Free

Post 12

Seagull's Lost Horizon

well I like to think I have good taste

barely a familiar name in sight yesterday, how about barely a familiar conversation most of them seem to have gone, along with my journal entries

Fat Free

Post 13


There's definitely a funereal feel in the air.smiley - sadface I wonder where they all went to? Perhaps floor 42, although I know they were having forum problems there recently.


Fat Free

Post 14

Seagull's Lost Horizon

well to me it doesn't seem like such a great site now its only a part of something else, and the moderators are in

I guess they've all gone off to find another commuinty and eithetr don't want or don't know they can come back

I stil love it, not quite as much as used to to, but none the less........

Fat Free

Post 15


I think things will settle down once they've caught up with the moderation backlog. Most researchers already abided by the h2g2 code, but there were a few exceptions, and I know that once or twice I was less than happy at some people.

All in all, there's chatrooms and websites galore for those people who find a moral code (albeit rather heavily applied at present) too restrictive, and I have some appreciation for what they're trying to achieve. I just hope they appreciate that the long absence followed by the strangling regulations and loss (perhaps temporarily) of people's hard work are resulting in the disenchantment or departure of some of the community's most prolific and 'law-abiding' members.

Hmmm... I was just thinking that this subject was perhaps drifting away from the heading 'fat free', when I realised it was a highly suitable metaphor for the current situation!!smiley - winkeye

Still, they do claim that cutting down on 'fat' is good for you, and, as the saying goes, 'everything in moderation'!!smiley - laugh


Fat Free

Post 16

Seagull's Lost Horizon

how true

Fat Free

Post 17


I dunno... wait a whole week... for... two words!!

smiley - winkeye


Fat Free

Post 18

Seagull's Lost Horizon

well I've been busy getting married, and playing with a new dvd player, and atempting to write an entry

so how's the new computer

Fat Free

Post 19


I suppose it's good that 'getting married' came at the top of that list.smiley - winkeye

Congratulations!smiley - biggrin

Computer is good, as computers go. Shame I didn't get a DVD drive, but you can't have everything...

What entry are you writing?


Fat Free

Post 20

Seagull's Lost Horizon

I bought my computer 2two or three years ago at the time I was adcvised to wait a while before getting a dvd drive for the computer, so now I still don't have one for the computer just one that sits by the video ,

the entry I'm writting is about the band terrorvision, as they've just released a new album after getting dropped by their label and I went to see them a couple of weeks ago, which was good

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