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In PR: Medicinal Properties of a Good Curry

Post 1

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Sorry, I don't have the URL or the name of the researcher of the top of my head. The article is a good one, or certainly a very good start.

I was able to give the researcher a number of bits of information, suggestions, and advice that he, as a nonveg Occidental person, did not have at his fingertips.

Perhaps you lot might have some suggestions for him too? As I said, the paper's in PR. At the moment, it's more like half the paper it can be. We're the ones who know this stuff, so let's go!

*My* family's curry does *not* involve cinnamon...

Arpeggio, once long ago a small brownish Indian baby person

In PR: Medicinal Properties of a Good Curry

Post 2


Hi. Thanks for the info. Maybe it's because I've been to busy to explore h2g2 beyond my usual haunts for quite a long time, or maybe it's just because I'm a daft American, but I'm not sure what you mean when you say it's "in PR". PR as in press release? Is there a press release section of the Guide, or are you talking about something else. If you find the URL let us know. Thanks again!


In PR: Medicinal Properties of a Good Curry

Post 3

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Sorry, I'm new, and assumed...

PR, Peer Review. Though actually I think I saw it was recommended as of today.

Daft American? Surely there is no such thing? smiley - biggrin

I've lived in the States virtually all my life. Or, I've virtually lived in the States all my life. Or, I've lived virtually in the States all my life. Probably, I've lived in the States all my virtual life.

Arpeggio... don't try to outdaft me, you silly Yank!

In PR: Medicinal Properties of a Good Curry

Post 4

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

I think he's still got a bit of time for editing, so go check it out. It's good stuff.

Arpeggio, who loves curry... MMMsmiley - smiley

In PR: Medicinal Properties of a Good Curry

Post 5


Yum!smiley - biggrin

*Pegasus, who loves curry too!*smiley - winkeye


In PR: Medicinal Properties of a Good Curry

Post 6


I do know about Peer Review, but it is a new system, and since I haven't written any articles for ages, I didn't think of that when you said PR. I'm an idiot anyway though: I meant to say public relations, not "press release". Oh well, no matter. Pass the curry, please. smiley - smiley

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