A Conversation for Britney Spears

Britney Spears

Post 21

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

But she is soo fine.

Britney Spears

Post 22


just like to say, i have started to think that her 2 mates (tits) are real, they look a lot smaller now than they did 6 months back.

Also have you seen the vid for the new song opps i did it again (or opps ive recorded this before). apart from sounding just like baby one more time.
Have you seen the red cat suit shes in WOW, no one in the universe can say that shes not the sexyest woman alive after seeing that vid.

One more thing about the tits, she is 18, go out and look and tits come in all different sizes, many alot bigger than britneys, especialy the 18 years olds at my school.

Any way she will win the FHM sexyest woman in the world and prove every one wrong. I voted for her, why dont all you.

Britney Spears

Post 23

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

It's not soo much the size, but that it took such a short ammount of time. And her catsuit is awful, give me her school uniform anytime.

Britney Spears

Post 24

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

It's not soo much the size, but that it took such a short ammount of time. And her catsuit is awful, give me her school uniform anytime.

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