A Conversation for Editorial Feedback

EF: A possible problem with A29321435 a journey through Roman Britain

Post 1


A29321435 - A Journey Through Roman Britain

There seems to be a mistake in this entry. It talks about the Roman road called Stane Street, but says that one of the things along the way, Bignor Villa, is on the Fosse Way, which is a different Roman road. I think this is a mistake and that should read "Stane Street" and not "Fosse Way". I am not certain, though, because the entry is not clear.

There's also another bit that looks suspicious: Jupiter is given as DEO IOM. I don't think that can be right. Jupiter is normally written in Latin as IOV with possible other letters after it. I think the author may have misread IOVI as IOM. This could be checked.

Thank you.

EF: A possible problem with A29321435 a journey through Roman Britain

Post 2


I have investigated this. The IOM appears to be correct as it stands for 'Iuppiter Optimus Maximus'.

But the reference to Fosse Way still appears to be wrong.

EF: A possible problem with A29321435 a journey through Roman Britain

Post 3

The H2G2 Editors

Cheers Eowyn, we've left a message on the Researcher's personal space and he'll likely respond in this thread. Thanks for pointing this out. smiley - ok

EF: A possible problem with A29321435 a journey through Roman Britain

Post 4


Hi everyone.

Thank you for pointing this out and the question is fully justified. The reference to this is as follows

This is a common Roman colonial reference there are over 20 epithets for this god

You are right Éowyn that is the version used in the text

Jupiter Optimus Maximus (Jupiter the best and greatest) IOM

From Wikipedia (please excuse my laziness)
The largest temple in Rome was that of Jupiter Optimus Maximus on the Capitoline Hill. Here he was worshipped alongside Juno and Minerva, forming the Capitoline Triad. Jupiter was also worshipped at Capitoline Hill in the form of a stone, known as Iuppiter Lapis or the Jupiter Stone, which was sworn upon as an oath stone. Temples to Juppiter Optimus Maximus or the Capitoline Triad as a whole were commonly built by the Romans at the centre of new cities in their colonies.

I hope that this answers the question as the subject is complex, and I do not pretend to know it all and will always check, and double check.

I will return once I have checked point 2

Bob smiley - smiley

EF: A possible problem with A29321435 a journey through Roman Britain

Post 5


Oh smiley - tit's

Bignor Villa Estate - (4)

The Fosse Way passes a landmark on this part of the journey - the villa estate of Bignor. It was the largest of the many estates in the area, its wealth evidenced by mosaics and hypocausts. The estate dominated this part of the Sussex downs, with the farm centred round the magnificent 65-room courtyard villa.


You are right smiley - blush the original Created: 30th September 2007 has been through PR and the EGWW edit and was not spotted that it should be Stane Street.smiley - doh My fault dont know how I missed it.

I am very pleased you spotted it, thank you Eowyn 1000 times smiley - blush


EF: A possible problem with A29321435 a journey through Roman Britain

Post 6


I stuffed this bit up, Ed’s can it be altered a wee bit please smiley - grovel

EF: A possible problem with A29321435 a journey through Roman Britain

Post 7

Skankyrich [?]

I've changed 'The Fosse Way' to 'Stane Street', but I'm not altogether sure if any other changes are required from reading this thread.

EF: A possible problem with A29321435 a journey through Roman Britain

Post 8


Hi Skankyrich

Thanks for ammending that.
If there is anything thats bothering you I will check it out smiley - smiley


EF: A possible problem with A29321435 a journey through Roman Britain

Post 9

The H2G2 Editors

Thanks Skankyrich and all concerned. smiley - ok

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