A Conversation for Registering as an h2g2 Researcher


Post 1

Researcher 216319

I think boyz are pathetic and need to get a life what do you think?


Post 2

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Hello Researcher 216319

Welcome to h2g2 smiley - smiley. If you look to your left you will find a preferences button. Clicking on that will take you to a place where you can choose a name. After that, editing your space would be a good idea.

smiley - smiley

Amy smiley - ant


Post 3


Yeah, you do need a nickname, so people can remember you better, just click here: <./>UserDetails</.> and type something into the nickname field. Then go to your space at U216319, scroll down and click edit page, then type something about yourself in the box and submit it. Once you have done that an ACE will welcome you, and give you some links and things so start you of.

As for your question, these things best discussed at <./>askh2g2</.> where lots of people hang out.

Welcome to h2g2 and have fun!! smiley - smiley


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