A Conversation for The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A13334915 - The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

Post 1


Entry: The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler - A13334915
Author: benjaminpmoore - U3508889

Okay so this is Hitler entry number... 4. I think. I know you've all been waiting for it.

A13334915 - The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

Post 2


I don't think there's anyone here to be waitng for it. smiley - tongueout

The usual typos, for starters:
>>The Weimarr republic
I've never seen Weimarr with two 'r's. smiley - erm
Republic should be capitalised

>>Having suceeded inb getting the ban on the party lifted,
remove extraneous 'b'

>>commanding a prestide that the little Austrian Corporal struggled to match.
replace 'd' with 'g' in prestige(also: don't think corporal is capitalised)

>>In february 1925 the incumbent German President died,
capitalise feb (ditto for president)

>>precipitating an Election.
ditto for election

>>backing of strong party with Voter support
ditto for voter

>>end the General's political involvement, an
and for general

>>All of this meant that, while the constituion could in theory be broken

>>Weimarr Government was acheiving some measure of stability,
Weimarr again? Government? (lowercase)

>>The party achived some sucess- polling

until 'all or nothing'

A13334915 - The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

Post 3


Benjamin, are you still working on this one?

A13334915 - The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

Post 4


Well I haven't touched it in a while but it's still very much in progress, yes.

A13334915 - The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

Post 5


No worries. Drop a note here when you've sorted the points made so far and I'll read over it again. smiley - ok

A13334915 - The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

Post 6


Addressed all of Leo's points. Anyone else got any?

A13334915 - The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

Post 7


It looks pretty good on a quick readthrough. I'll have a proper look tomorrow, but in the meantime did notice that "Hindenberg" is fairly conistently mistyped throughout, usually as "Hidenberg" and once as "Hiddenberg".

A13334915 - The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

Post 8


Hi benjamin. Again mostly typos, etc. Pain in the neck, but other than that the Entry isn't bad at all! smiley - ok
Para 1:

politcal - political

repairations - reparations

Nazi's - Nazis'

Para 2:
I don't really understand the header "Top Right". What do you mean exactly?

it's - its

Not the last, or indeed for the first, time - Not *for* the last

Hitler's actions where - Hitler's actions were

politcal right - political right

Para 3:

When you say "blame for the Putsch (for its occurence, rather than for its failure)", it might be simpler just to say "blame for the occurence of the Putsch".

to the the esteem - to the esteem

Hidenberg - Hindenburg

Para 4:

Ludendorf - Ludendorff

Footnote 1: pragamtically = pragmatically, bough = bought, Furhrer = Fuehrer, oweing = owing

I'll leave it at that for now.

A13334915 - The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

Post 9


Isn't at all bad? I think you mean 'is a work of unparalelled genius' don't you?
Wew=kk I've made all the changes and corrected the hindenberg spellings too.

A13334915 - The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

Post 10


Is this still being worked on? I've posted on another thread at F57153?thread=2827483&skip=40&show=20#p80288506

Alex smiley - smiley

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