A Conversation for Green Open Spaces in Urban Areas
open spaces
Alan the gribbly Started conversation Jul 18, 2000
Ok, so I don't exactly live in a sprawling urban wasteland, but Bournemouth can still be pretty concrete oriented. I live in the suburbs of the town, a place which can be depressing, but I know a little out of the way green space.
Just 20 minutes walk from my house, behind some houses, is Throop river. Chancing upon it must be a strange experience, as there are no real signposts to it, and a row of houses backs onto it; but over the river are green fields - farming land. It's so beautiful and unspoilt. But best of all it feels like no-one else knows about it.
Lets just hope the developers don't get their grubby paws on it, like so many of the urban green areas around Bournemouth. There are places I remember going to only a few years ago that have become built-up. And yet there are quite a few abandoned shops and factories. Why the hell can't we build on brown field sites first? Its madness I tell you!!
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