This is the Message Centre for Songbird


Post 1

Brie Cheese Eater

Hi there! Not a sexy person here smiley - tongueout but just saw that you're also new this week.


Post 2


hello, what makes you not a sexy person?

brie cheese eater

Post 3


hello, i don't know if i am doing this right, but i wanted to say, i absolutely adore you name, i LOVE brie cheese myself, and was just craving some yesterday.

brie cheese eater

Post 4

Brie Cheese Eater

I love the stuff! Brie cheese. Could eat a whole package in one sitting if my mom'd let me.
What makes me not a sexy person? Hmm... because... because I'm not a sexy person! Very intelligent answer. smiley - tongueout

brie cheese eater

Post 5

Archangel Zax

*wanders in...*
this brie kid has the makings of an angel already....

HOWDY HOWDY SONGBIRD!! great to meet you!

brie cheese eater

Post 6

Brie Cheese Eater

[blinks and bows] smiley - tongueout
Am currently in hysterical and vaguely insane mood after reading quotes.

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