Hi Sexy People

My name is Tracy, I am 19 (okay okay, i'm not 19 for another 4 days) and i am female. I enjoy being female (and to be honest, i don't understand how males can Walk, but thats a whole nother Tangent).

I enjoy reading, and have since i was very little, but i never really got into Science Fiction. One day my boyfriend and i were sitting around not doing much, and he picked up a book and started reading, he started reading aloud. The book was "The HitchHikers Guide To The Galaxy".
At first i thought it sounded very odd (forgive me) but after a few minutes i was hooked. He read me all of the books except the last one, which he didn't own and i read while he was away on Vacation.

Now i'm sure you don't really care that he reads to me, but that was my introduction to H2G2 (indirectly), and i decided that it would be much more interesting to write about that rather then my Age, Location, Interests (BLAH BLAH BLAH). So there.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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