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On Xmas Tunez

Post 1


Today I had my Last Lesson of the term. I am not much of a one for going down the pub with the students, so I invited themk to bring in some food, took along some classic items of British cuisine, and prepared an British Christmas Music Extravaganza.

I am a bit Christmas musiced out now.

But what do you think I played them?

The criteria is this: I wanted to give them an overview of what a British person would recognize as typical Christmas music, both traditional carols and the pop and rock songs. I also wanted to amuse and entertain them. But I also wanted to reflect my own taste a bit too. But at the same time I also had to consider that the students are intermediate level - neither very strong nor very weak.

So? Any guesses?

On Xmas Tunez

Post 2


I'd do Kirsty MacColl & Pogues Fairy Tale of New York regardless, because it is brill.

On Xmas Tunez

Post 3


I did that. Got them to predict based on the name. After we had trotted out the full range of snow/ Santa/ happy children/ pressies ideas I played them the video.

Then I told them it was a love song. The I gave them the lyrics and got them to match each verse to a summery. Then I told them it wasn't a very happy love song. Then we watched it again and I told them that it is consistently the UK's favourite Xmas tune. They looked a little shell shocked by this.

It's awful, but I never recovered from seeing McGowan and his teeth and a rather older McColl doing it live on TV sometime when I was a judgmental preteen. But after listening to it umpteen times today I am almost coming round too it.

On Xmas Tunez

Post 4


I went off it last year, but I'm in love with it again this year. I love to sing along to just the Kirsty McColl bits, but have to change key midway through.*

Deb smiley - cheerup

* At least I think that's what I'm doing when I can no longer hit the high notes and take them down a notch. I'm not a good singer smiley - rofl

On Xmas Tunez

Post 5


It's better than the alternatives, although I think Kirsty McColl wrote better stuff in her time(New England, Elvis/chip shop).

She had a very strange death no? some sort of watersports accident?

As for Shane McGowan, his main societal role is to demonstrate to children what happens if they don't brush their teeth...


On Xmas Tunez

Post 6


She was killed whilst scuba diving with her sons, by a power boat going too fast in a restricted area, according to the website set up by her mother.

The more you concentrate on that song the more hopeful it seems, I reckon. It seems to have three parts - the happy beginning, the fighting, and the end where he's basically telling her she's his life. But Xmas saccharine it isn't.

Did you have Slade on your list, Sol? Merry Christmas Everybody is so cheesy but I have to confess to loving it anyway.

Deb smiley - cheerup

On Xmas Tunez

Post 7


There is no good Christmas music. Christmas is the time for good cheer and bad music.

Christmas Baby Please Come Home is the nearest thing, with Fairytale in a grisly second.

Even that is non-Christmas: 'They're singing "Deck The Halls"/But it's not like Christmas at all' ...

On Xmas Tunez

Post 8


New England was a KMcC cover of a Billy Bragg song, not one of her own.

On Xmas Tunez

Post 9


I don't think I even know Christmas Baby... Deary me.

I'm afraid I went with 'I wish it could be Christmas everyday...' for the bizarre 70s segment of the lesson, deb. My students are all in their 20s and have not recovered from me playing them a Bangles song a few weeks ago, so they were both amused and repelled, but I couldn't really extend to Slade as well. Gotta keep some kind of street cred.

OK, what else did I play?

While shepherds watched
Hark the herald

The Kings college versions on You Tube, and also Weezer have done a version of Hark.

Also, in the bleak midwinter. I was going to play the Coventry carol, but it turns out it's depressing (who knew?) and their eyes were starting to glaze over. Difficult words, so you can't do too much with them.
we ran out of time
White Christmas. Bing and Gaga, who was less interesting than I had imagined. None of them had heard of this song. I was a little surprised. Just goes to show.

The 70s cheeze, the Pogues and then we rounded off with All I want For Christmas Is You. The Justin Beiber version. At least one of them had actually heard of that one, but only because the kids she au pairs for are learning it for school. Which is a disturbing thought.

I wanted to at least get to this version but we ran out of time

I was going to play them a Spaceman Came Travelling, which I personally loathe with a passion, but which has excellent possibilities for English lessons, as well as being another nice slice of bonkers English speaking culture, but that too bit the time dust.

tbh, as a lesson it was a bit too much to cram in if we wanted to do it properly, but it wasn't really a lesson, it was the obligatory end of term party. I also made them eat scotch eggs, pork pies, mince pies and chutney with chedder. They all liked the chutney except the Estonian, and the Columbian really likes pork pies. The French girl was horrified by mince pies.

On Xmas Tunez

Post 10


You should have included Mr Blobby.

That would really have messed with their minds!

Deb smiley - cheerup

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