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Sol: NaJoPoMo 2nd: A toddler's Guide to... the British Museum

Post 21


*Considers the idea of a project to visit every zoo in Europe*

Excellent suggestions, we shall have to see what we can do.

Sol: NaJoPoMo 2nd: A toddler's Guide to... the British Museum

Post 22


There are so many of these places I'd love to visit if I had the time. I'd like to spend a year in London, I think. It's some years since I've been.

Nineteen, now that I think about it. I didn't realise it was that long! smiley - yikes

Sol: NaJoPoMo 2nd: A toddler's Guide to... the British Museum

Post 23


"I am open to suggestions for places to visit though. Any ideas?"

The Horniman Museum. It seems much more well organised than when I took my girls about 15 years ago, which in some ways might be a shame. We loved the higgledy-piggledy bonkersness of the place and went several times.
smiley - bluefish

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Sol: NaJoPoMo 2nd: A toddler's Guide to... the British Museum

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