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First Day at School.

Post 1


Today is Himself's first day at school. Uniform - total fail. Asda vvere out of stock by the time I pinned the school secretary dovvn about colours. This is vvhat happens vvhen you have no visual memory vvhatsoever, the school vvebsite is tvvo years out of date and the only info about the uniform is the link to the company vvho have deleted all your school's details. Nevertheless, I do appear to have been the only person not to manage to sort it out in time. This is because I have been using difficulties vvith the uniform as an excuse to have a little freak out about my son's leaving me and going out into the big vvorld.

Hovvever, he is there, he is happy as a pig in clover, no sirens of any kind vvould apear to have gone past, I cried. The house is quiet. I am making chicken soup and vvatching the clock. If I vvalk really slovvly, I can leave to get him in about an hour...

First Day at School.

Post 2

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

First day on a Friday? How odd! Seems only yesterday when I visited and he was cruising round the furniture aged 10 months.

Hope he enjoyed it. Is it a Russian school or just English?

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