This is the Message Centre for Titania (gone for lunch)

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

Global Tourism Business Award:

"Any large company from any sector of Travel & Tourism - cruise lines, hotel groups, tour operators, etc. - with at least 200 employees and operating in more than one country or in more than one destination in a single country, is eligible for this Award.

Applicants must demonstrate sound environmental operations and management, including the education of guests about areas visited, support for cultural and historical preservation, and collaboration with other private and public stakeholders. Their efforts to ensure sustainable tourism development must have encompassed social, environmental and cultural concerns."

The company I work for came 2nd this year!smiley - boing

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 2

Santragenius V

smiley - boingsmiley - ok

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 3


Well done! smiley - ok

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - applause

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 5

Dizzy H. Muffin


Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 6

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i'm sure they could not have done that without you, ti smiley - hug

smiley - pirate

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 7

Titania (gone for lunch)

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 8

Titania (gone for lunch)

Our VP was recently contacted by a hotel manager as well as a hotel guest. They questioned why the most recent delivery of tea bags contained tea bags individually packed in plastic - not very environmentally sound.

When our purchasing department contacted the supplier, they said 'we knew you wouldn't be happy with those bags, so we're developping new bags made of cornstarch, that we hope to have ready soon'.

How smiley - cool is it to w*rk for a company with *that* kind of influence?smiley - boing

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 9

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - cool indeed smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 10

Titania (gone for lunch)

Especially when the supplier is no small company but, in fact, Unilever...

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 11

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

oh my smiley - bigeyes

they seem to own just about everything - US government included smiley - whistle

smiley - pirate

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 12

Titania (gone for lunch)

My company is sponsoring the Swedish Paralympics Team - and oh boy, do the posters look cool!smiley - cool

Three posters displayed here:

Translation (I'll leave it up to you to guess which text goes with which poster smiley - winkeye):

Will of Iron. Legs of aluminium.

Mental training? Try never being able to walk again.

Fast. Fatal. Blind.

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 13

Titania (gone for lunch)

My company on the CNN Worldview!smiley - bigeyes

Our 'disability ambassador' and Ada smiley - dog

Axxess TV smiley - huh Never heard of them until now...

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 14

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

good thinking smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 15

Titania (gone for lunch)

The hotel where I w*rked before I moved on to our HQ is mentioned in Canadian online magazine:

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 16

Titania (gone for lunch)

From the company newsletter:

'Scandic's groundbreaking work on accessibility issues has been recognized by BBC World News - a TV channel broadcast to a global audience of more than 71 million viewers each week.

This weekend BBC World News airs a story on how it is to travel with a disability. The program follows the legendary BBC reporter Frank Gardner who is using a wheelchair after an incident while on assignment in Saudi Arabia in 2004. Scandic Victoria Tower was the choice of the team for a night's stay in the Stockholm area. The seven minutes long coverage features two of our team members....'

This hotel is one of our newest ones that opened last autumn. Since I haven't visited it yet, I'm going to view this.

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 17

Titania (gone for lunch)

Drat, forgot to post *when - and I actually meant this as a note to myself, so that I wouldn't have to check my w*rk mail.

BBC WORLD NEWS Saturday at 0330, 1330 and 1830 and Sunday at 0630 GMT it says on our company blog, but GMT+1 in the newsletter smiley - huh

This seems to be a site that can be used to watch it online:

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 18

Titania (gone for lunch)

It might also become viewable somewhere around here, where I found a previous Frank Gardner episode - 'Flying with a wheel chair':

Tourism For Tomorrow Award

Post 19

Titania (gone for lunch)

Main site:

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