This is the Message Centre for Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive
Ministry for Prime Numbers
Aier Started conversation Oct 1, 2000
*step, slide, lunge, twirl, squat, leap, step*
Will you be constructing a page for the Ministry for Prime Numbers?
Ministry for Prime Numbers
Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive Posted Oct 1, 2000
Ministry for Prime Numbers
Aier Posted Oct 2, 2000
Ah, Jeez! I'm blushing!
Is it important to have a prime number of legs, I wonder?
Hmmm... I might do some research into that
*deciding to slink off in a cat-like manner rather than show off about the walk - day off, you see*
Ministry for Prime Numbers
Simon the Frog (Ribbit) Posted Oct 25, 2000
Ooh... I'm user U151817. The java thingie says it's prime.
Am I the first?
Ministry for Prime Numbers
Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive Posted Oct 25, 2000
Congratulations! I'm afraid you're not the first - that honour goes to Asteroid Lil. But you are the second in a very select group of... er... two!
Amy the Ant
Ministry for Prime Numbers
Simon the Frog (Ribbit) Posted Oct 25, 2000
Ooh! How exciting.
I haven't been second since sports day when I was 12. (400 metres - nearly killed me! - Unfortunately, my greatest sporting achievement)
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Ministry for Prime Numbers
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