This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

London meet 16/7/05

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - wow

Thank you Ged for meeting me at Kings Cross and escorting me to the Science Museum for the Hitchhiker's Exhibition which was smiley - magic
Met up with B'Elana and Mazin Mad Fiddler, Phil and Metal Chicken, Dusk and her two friends, Croz, EV and fords.
All the props, characters' costumes from the show - and Marvin! In a wall behind glass, no photos allowed smiley - sadface then I saw someone taking photossmiley - yikes but I didn't 'cos I didn't want to get kicked out.
I wanted a "Don't Panic" t-shirt and a Hitchhiker's mug but they were beyond the depth of my tiny pursesmiley - wah
I did get a Hitchhiker's fridge magnet and key ring and a "Don't Panic" pin badge smiley - ok
then trekked across London to find the pub.

Thanks to EV and fords for providing the quiz which was great fun.
I had two 'Twilight Zone' moments, one with Bassman smiley - blush and the other with coelacanthsmiley - bluefish strange how with some researchers you can bounce from subject to subject, end up talking about Monty Python and a certain sketch, then that question appears in the quiz. And, show another researcher several photos inside DNA's official biography (which I was reading on the train) and have one pointed out and commented upon, and THAT subject was in the quiz.

smiley - weird

The late italics were stars, leading the toast to absent friends smiley - cheersand announcing 2legs as King of h2g2.smiley - wow
Those who have written 25 solo entries are going to be rewarded with a badge for their PS. Something was said about 50 entries but I couldn't hear whether it was another badge or an upgrade of the 25.
So, that'll be me then, I was on 55, and I've had another 2 since that count so smiley - ok

We all got a pin badge of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy except the quiz winners, who got a blue goo h2g2 t-shirtsmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envy

There's new smileys on the way but Jimster would only announce one, a smiley - biker

A thoroughly good night - plenty of smiley - hugs and smiley - smooch and sitting on knees, photo-taking, flirting, etc.smiley - bigeyes

Wonderful to meet up with old friends and make new onessmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - cuddlemiss you all alreadysmiley - wah
I can thoroughly recommend h2g2 meets for cheering the soul

Mina your presence was sorely missed but I'm happy I'm going to be seeing you soon.smiley - cheerup

The journey back to Serephina's was uneventful - I was so tired I almost passed out on the train, I'd been on the go since 6.30am and hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast at 8am..smiley - erm this was about 11-40pm when we left the pub and approx. 1.30am when we got to the crash pad.

Going to Kings Cross I joined a queue to sign the Book of Condolence in the searing heat, about 20 minutes but no-one complained. Then I had a walk around the garden and read some of the tributes. smiley - cry

My train was on time but had no air conditioning *gasp* I was glad I packed a fan which I made liberal use of.
Doncaster platform was alive with queensmiley - ants ugh ~shudder~ 50 long minutes wait for the Cleethorpes train.
Another 70 minutes and I was home. Laura forgot what time I was coming in so it was another half hour before I got my very welcome luke-warm shower.


Been cleaning all morning, got my Monica head on, am totally revitalized it was a great weekend. Andrew's sports day tomorrow then he breaks up on Wednesday. Then roll on August.smiley - biggrin

smiley - galaxy

London meet 16/7/05

Post 2


smiley - envy

smiley - winkeye


Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Ged's: (warning, possible xxx-rating with these)

More as I find them, must hit the sack nowsmiley - yawnsmiley - sleepysmiley - galaxysmiley - zzz


Post 4

I'm not really here

smiley - run

You'll miss my email! Am about to start it. Oh well, you'll have something interesting to read in the morning. smiley - bigeyes


Post 5


It was no problem meeting you at Kings Cross Galaxy Babe, glad you had fun smiley - cheerssmiley - smiley


Post 6

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Thanks for the Photos. Unfortunately my battery was flatterer than a pancake, so I didn't get to take any smiley - sadface Really cheesed of smiley - wah so I thank you all for taking some... smiley - cheers

Shall get them printed...

smiley - musicalnote

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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