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Finger nails are getting slowly shorter...

Post 1

Insane Endeavour

I might have to start biting my toenails next...
And I *never* bit my nails!!!

smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface ARGH! smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

Will I be able to do Design A-Level?
2B (pencil, for Art only, and not design) or not 2B (ie harder design pencil...)

If I'm slightly silent for about a week after 24th August, then it's because I'm a little bit upset. Got that? I'm nto ignoring you, I'm upset.


Finger nails are getting slowly shorter...

Post 2

Hopelessly Paranoid

I've always bitten my fingernails, it just saves the shock of realising you do it in times of stress. smiley - smiley

And try not to worry about your results, really. Whatever they are, you have them and they're yours. Try to nurture and protect them, like a small puppy... or a seedling... and watch them grow into beautiful flowers (just the seedlings) and give you hours of endless joy (just the puppy.. I think..)

I have to get the grades to do design too. Its scary, but I try not to think about it. Just relax, listen to some music (what music do you listen to anyway?) enjoy the rest of your hols. Oh, and save the galaxy... smiley - smiley

Keep smiling
smiley - smiley

Finger nails are getting slowly shorter...

Post 3

Insane Endeavour

I've got my friend coming over tomorrow, after the results... so either we'll cry /celebrate/try to forget them together! Should make it easier!

I think I'll nurture my results into ones that will allow me to do the A-Levels I want. Unfortunately, I don't think either a seedling or a puppy can *really* do that! Pity though... it would be useful if they could... smiley - smiley

Music... ah. Now, this is the point where I wonder, having read your page, whether you are going to refuse to ever speak to me again! Um, how can I put this? Favourite music, um... well. I like *most* chart music, but I can't stand Billie Piper (she's on the radio, and driving me mad! Wait a second, I'll change the station!... That's better!) I also really like some rock music, namely Queen and dIRE sTRAITS ( I also like *modern* country. That was MODERN country btw! People who I tell that to generally think I like kind of sitting around a camp fire with a banjo and wailing (hey, good idea!), and think I'm even odder than I really am!!!
Oh well! Hey! Each to their own! smiley - smiley

This is a long reply!!! Blah blah blah! How much longer can I make it? smiley - winkeye Ok, I'll stop clogging up your screen now! smiley - smiley I might even go see what I can do to save the galaxy! smiley - smiley


Finger nails are getting slowly shorter...

Post 4

Hopelessly Paranoid

Its insanely late at night right now... but on the off chance you do check here... lots and lots of luck smiley - smiley


Finger nails are getting slowly shorter...

Post 5

Insane Endeavour

It's insanely the middle of peak charges now, and I don't have cheap calls, but in case you check here too:

Thank you! And lots and lots and lots of luck to you! smiley - smiley


Finger nails are getting slowly shorter...

Post 6

Hopelessly Paranoid

Well, I got the grades I wanted... just...

good bad
A in Graphics D in Art
A in Maths B in History (and I LUV history...)

Ah well, can't win em all... I just sat and ogled the A*s accumilated by my friends... (one got 8... thats just unnatural)... I hope everything went good for you. If not, my heartfelt apologies for even replying...

Lots of Post-Getting-Pre-Finding-Out-Luck


(PS The minimum requirement for saving the galaxy is five grades above Z... good luck smiley - winkeye)

Finger nails are getting slowly shorter...

Post 7

Insane Endeavour

Yeah, I'm happy with my results! smiley - smiley

6 As, 5 Bs and 1 C! I'm definitely not complaining! smiley - smiley
And thank God! I got into Design next year! My life is now worth living again!

My *friend* (she's on h2g2 and SHE KNOWS WHO SHE IS) got 3 A*s, 6 As and 1 B. I'm currently composing hate email! smiley - smiley <>

Ah well, never mind! I'm glad! Well done with yours!

Looking forwards to getting back to school? smiley - smiley


Finger nails are getting slowly shorter...

Post 8

Hopelessly Paranoid

well I got 8 As a B and a D (and a C at A/S level English)... so I'm happy smiley - smiley

I get to do Design next year too! Hwicked (It is spelt like that, it would take too long to explain)

A friend of mine got 8 A*s 2 A's and a B..... grrrrrr...

In a way I'm looking forward to school... In a way I'm not. Means I can't doss about my house all day... Ah well, can't have everything...

I just got back from READING!!!! Brilliant... I loved it... nuff said smiley - smiley

Enjoy your hols and Well Done!!!!


Finger nails are getting slowly shorter...

Post 9

Insane Endeavour

Well done w/ your results! 8 As! That's really brilliant! smiley - smiley

I won't ask about the Hwicked thing...! I'm really looking forwards to design now, as long as I can decide what on EARTH I'm going to design for the first A/S project. I want to do something h2g2 based! Then I'd really like the research! smiley - smiley What do you think? smiley - winkeye

Glad you enjoyed Reading! smiley - smiley

Good hols to you!


Finger nails are getting slowly shorter...

Post 10

Hopelessly Paranoid

I wanted to do website engineered stuff for my GCSE project... settled on a music thing though, and it worked a treat!

Still, if you're going to do a website, try to get some 3D modelling in. Its all about showing what you can do. My work and presentation wasn't all that good for GCSE but I think I got lots of marks for doing a range of different things. Its a brill idea though. Try to get the H2G2 guys to write a mock brief for you, or just make one up for them... whatever, it'd be great smiley - smiley

Anywho, enuff work talk smiley - smiley

Only a week or so until we go back... I dunno how I feel about it. The hwicked thing will remain a secret until the curiousity is too much for you to take... smiley - winkeye

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