A Conversation for The Amazing Mobius Strip
Klein bottles
jim Started conversation Jul 13, 2000
A mathematician named Klein
Thought the Mobius strip was divine.
He said "If you glue
The edges of two
You'll get a weird bottle like mine".
Actually you CAN get a real Klein bottle ... http://www.kleinbottle.com/
Klein bottles
shrinkwrapped Posted Jul 13, 2000
Mathematicians try hard to floor us
With a non-orientable torus
The bottle of Klein
They say is divine
But it is so exceedingly porus.
Klein bottles
Smiley Ben Posted Jul 13, 2000
Erm. No you can. Not in only three dimensions - they always cross over themselves, and that's not technically allowed. You can only have a klein bottle in 4 dimensional space, so if you put that cross-over therough hyperspace, you'll have done it!
Klein bottles
Kes Posted Jul 14, 2000
A mathematician named Stein
Went to sea in a bottle by Klein
Since the sea was entirely inside the hull
The scenery seen was exceedingly dull.
Klein bottles
raygun Posted Jul 15, 2000
'Kay, I thought I was somewhat intelligent, but I can't seem to figure out the whole Klein bottle thing. It boggles me.
Klein bottles
Captain Jim Posted Jul 19, 2000
Yeah - 4 dimensional objects make my head hurt. How come so many people know so much about mobius and klein? when I wrote the article I figured it would never get approved, let alone that anyone would read it!
Klein bottles
U128068 Posted Jul 19, 2000
Lets just stick to 3 dimensions, anyone for a hexaflexagon...
Now, does anyone know where I left the Nephroid of Freeth.
P.S. As far as I know this thread is the only place where cutting a mobius strip into thirds (rather than in half) has been suggested (by me) but I'd be glad to be proved wrong.
Cutting strips into smaller divisions is very tricky and doesn't do much, the interest is all in the move from even to odd divisions.
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Klein bottles
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