A Conversation for The Amazing Mobius Strip
Why two strips of paper?
Lloyd Started conversation Jul 13, 2000
"simply take two rectangular strips of paper"
You only need one.
Should that actually read:
"simply take the two ends of a rectangular strip of paper"
or something similar?
Livzy Posted Jul 13, 2000
Used to do this at school.
Drove me bonkers then too!!
Well done for a really frustrating article to help while away a few hours/days/weeks!!
Good work, Mobius strip fella!
Lintilla Posted Jul 13, 2000
We used to do it in school as well and I always loved it. I was surprised you didn't write more about Mobius.
I really enjoyed the artical and just had to say...nice work.
Why two strips of paper?
jim Posted Jul 13, 2000
Why did the ant cross the Mobius strip?
To get to the same side!
Why two strips of paper?
Captain Jim Posted Jul 19, 2000
You are absolutely right - only one strip is required. But it's not my fault - it seems the article was edited after I submitted it, obviously by someone a little less mathematically observant. What it origionally said was to "take the product of two intervals" which was probably a bit cryptic - too mathematical for most people.
Thanks for pointing it out though - I'll try to contact the guy who edited it.
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Why two strips of paper?
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