This is the Message Centre for Cornish 126616

Flashing Lights

Post 1


Hello, there. I found your address in the Driving Etiquette Forum but I'd really like to ask you a question. Hope that's okay?

I drive a car. When I'm on a motorway, I often see trucks flashing their headlights at other drivers but I can't work out the code. Sometimes, I see trucks flash at other trucks that are overtaking. I take that to mean that the overtaking truck is welcome ot pull in front, as that's what usually happens. Sometimes, trucks flash me for (I think) the same reason. That is, I've overtaken and am indicating left to pull in. Sometimes, though, they flash AFTER I've pulled in. This feels like a rebuke, even though I am a very courteous driver (no, really) who always leaves plenty of room for the vehicle I've overtaken and makes sure I'm travelling faster than they are so they don't have to brake.

Can you help?

Thanks smiley - smiley

Flashing Lights

Post 2

Cornish 126616

Sorry I took so long answering.
Yes a lorry driver flashes his lights to tell another lorry driver that his trailer is past his cab... This is hard to see looking in a mirror 12 inches by 6. 6 foot away, and showing something up to 40foot away.
Some lorry drivers will flash in cars, but not many because they do not thank us... If the driver has to alter his speed because you pull in a little to close to him he will flash his lights... Usualy this driver is carring Hazzards goods and the driver is being causious. If he is going faster than 55 / 56 mph he is a cowboy or a foriner. so they may just being rude.
I hope this answers you

Flashing Lights

Post 3


Thanks so much for explaining. I hadn't realised that it is so long since I visited h2g2 - you replied ages ago.

Happy trucking!

Flashing Lights

Post 4

Cornish 126616

It's ok.. I don't vist that often myself. I forgot on reason you see trucks flash for no apparent reason... If they see some one they work with/know comming in the oppasit direction

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