on the road again.

If you think you like driving you do not do it for a living.
All day behind the wheel is a killer (literaly). The job is one of the lowest paid for the hours worked. You stand an increased chance of little problems like back trouble, hemorids, stress, eye problems, skin disorders, breathing, cancer and heart problems. And now impotance. Your social life is crammed into a few hours between sleep and work.
Plus you will meet on average 1000 cars a day whos drivers Know that you.
a: are stupid (or you wouldn't be a trucker)
b: don't know how to drive
c: shouldn't be on the road in the first place
d: are going to fast/slow
e: can stop fast ("you've got air brakes haven't you")
f : can beat the laws of physics by stopping or turning a moving object at speed.

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Visit Nov 12, 2000
Flashing Lights Oct 1, 2000


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Cornish 126616

Researcher U126616


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