A Conversation for The h2g2 Bloodhounds

Going Fishing

Post 141

Demon Drawer

Was that a no then. smiley - sadface

Going Fishing

Post 142


And so on we traips. smiley - winkeye

Going Fishing

Post 143

The Fish

Afraid so....smiley - smiley

If anyone would like a new "tidy" thread, then...
This one's getting a little long to load...

smiley - fish

Going Fishing

Post 144

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*scribbles in diary*
Day 17 - things aren't going as well as we'd hoped.

Going Fishing

Post 145


Was that also a no to the ostrich one then? *thought it best to clear it up here*


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