A Conversation for The h2g2 Tour - An Introduction to h2g2

Diets and water

Post 21


Has anybody ever considered that the "drink loads of water" thing might just be a load of old nonsense started by the purveyors of bottled water? It used to be snake oil, now it's water...

I'm going to start a new one - the more you breathe the more you flush poisons out of your lungs. That's why exercise works - it makes you breathe faster! Plus, the oxygen in air is used as a fuel, helping you to burn off the fat! What's more, breathing uses up calories! Why not make a point of breathing cold air so you can lose weight warming it up?

"Breathe The Flab Off" by Dr Monkfish is available for loads of cash. Start a new, healthier, more respiratory life NOW!

Diets and water

Post 22


That's not new. Nor is it as false as you seem to be presenting it to be.

It is necessary to breathe deeply to get rid of some anaesthetics. It is also necessary to clear the lungs of other sorts of excess junk. Deep breathing gets in more oxygen and expels more carbon dioxide. Just ask any unaided diver, asthma sufferer or cystic fibrosis sufferer.

Diets and water

Post 23


I have tried South Staffs and it's far nicer than Severn Trent, which is so full of chemicals that I get a sore throat form drinking the stuff.

Diets and water

Post 24


I have tried South Staffs and it's far nicer than Severn Trent, which is so full of chemicals that I get a sore throat from drinking the stuff.

Diets and water

Post 25


Try filling a jug and just leaving it (uncovered) overnight. The chlorine will evaporate & it will taste much better next day.

Diets and water

Post 26


I have observed that a lot of people in England understand about of water and diet. I learned very much with all that has been written here. I do not know much on the related science and diet. But, one thing has called my attention. People that have high blood pressure have to take a specific medicine in order to urine more and then have their high blood pressure controlled. Now, I need your help. Should those mentioned people of high blood pressure not drink much water and other liquids?

Diets and water

Post 27


i know how to make fire from ice. someone.

Diets and water

Post 28


Hello - regardless of dieting, drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day keeps you system flushed out (including toxins) and it stimulates your organs to function properly.

Best, stjaustin

Diets and water

Post 29


Is drinking water from plastic bottles worse for you than drinking the stuff out of the tap?
Is it any different?
You may be buying treated tap water.

Buy a water filter and drink filtered water at home. Save one of those old water bottles you've paid a fortune for and refill it at home.

There are also schools of thought that drinking water from a plastic bottle is bad as chemicals from the plastic may leach into the water.

Diets and water

Post 30


Article on leaching in bottled water

Diets and water

Post 31


I swear to god if I hadnt grown up listening to and watching British comedy Id have been stuck with the rather messed up other ones.smiley - winkeye

Honey or Man, as the case may be ... Oxygen in water is definitely not used as a fuel or whatever it is you said. The whole world would at some point spontaneously combust (considering 70% is water, not to mention a higher %age of our own bodies is water too) smiley - tongueout

I liked the one about Evian makers taking you to be naive. Very clever. smiley - cheers

As for 8 pints a day. You might as well sit in the restroom the whole day. If Im not wrong 8 pints is a lot more than 200-300ml, which I take to be the capacity of a glass.

Anyways... happy times o/wise ppl.smiley - biggrin

Diets and water

Post 32


Sorry to hard to resist, the one about chlorine evaporating takes the cake.

On a more serious note..

as for the benefit of water, Ive personally think it helps flush out toxins flowing around in your blood a lot faster. it keeps your blood less dense (which is good, I kind of associate denser blood with sluggishness in our behavior). Less dense blood means it flows with more ease and keeps getting oxygen, that comes from breathing, to the cells.

BTW water is also used in the cells to help with chemical reactions that keep us going.

And it helps the body better regulate the temperature in our body, as long as you dont over-do it to the 8-pint point. By regulate the body can make you sweat to lose extra heat (hence the sweaty palms and armpits) or make you go to the loo more often. You should figure out the 8 glasses for yourself. Because somebody who weighs 100 Kg should definitely not be drinking the same amount of water as somebody who weighs 50Kg. Simple math.

But honestly chlorine doesnt evaporate. I think it probably just settles to the bottom of the container and hence the better taste. if you want to find out where the bad taste went, just try drinking the water at the bottom of the container and let me know.smiley - cheers

Diets and water

Post 33


Of course chlorine evaporates. That's why freshly drawn water from the chlorinated tap system stinks. It's also why the air above chlorinated swimming pools is almost unbreathable (to those of us who are sensitive, anyway).

Diets and water

Post 34


Is bottled water any better than tap water? The amount of bottled water used isn't good for our environment in the use of plastics in the bottles and diesel in transportation.

Diets and water

Post 35


It's usually worse than well monitored tap water - especially if it has been stored near contaminants. However, it's better than bad tap water. Eg when the water board have dug up the road and left all manner of debris in the system. Or if you mean non-mains tap water from a roof tank with a dead pigeon in it.

Diets and water

Post 36


It's actually 8 glasses of water MINUS the water you get from the food you eat. Because everything you eat contains even the smallest amount of water.

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