A Conversation for Jasper, Alberta, Canada


Post 1


No mention of skiing. Not a huge resort, but great fun and quite a lot less busy than Lake Louise and some of the other large resorts.

You do mention the bears. Very strange finding them right in the middle of your hotel (Jasper Park Lodge)!


Post 2

Yeliab {h2g2as}

I'm staying there this summer for 2 days (July), before moving on to Banff. What would you recommend doing there?


Post 3


I much prefer Jasper over Banff and I would spend more time there if possible.


Post 4

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Ahh, cool. We were going to stay in Jasper for 3 nights and Banff for 1 but Jasper was all booked up. We'll probably spend most of the time in Jasper as it's less toristy (we guess). What would you say are the best things to do?


Post 5


The entry I wrote on Jasper, Alberta, Canada should tell you a lot. Defintely go to the Astoria and Whistle Stop pubs. Try also Pete's Place and the Atha-B. These have probably changed a lot since I lived there. Try to stay in the Whistler Mountain Campground (if you are in the camping mood), there is usually room there. If you want a hotel, try the one that houses the Whistle Stop Pub and Mondis Restaurant. Forget the name, but I used to work for them and it is a decent place. There are also three hostels (two of them are veeeery rustic) within a short drive from town. If you have no car, hitch-hiking is totally acceptable in those parts.

Maybe go on a river raft tour. Or just ask around about things to see. The locals will usually know about some odd thing going on. I usually go for the back-country hiking myself, so that is what I would suggest, but it isn't everyone's cup o' tea.


Go West Young Man

Post 6

Mick & Hoppa Canuck

Come to the Kootenays!
A couple hours further West you'll discover Beautiful country, ski resorts that get thousands rather than millions of visitors, lakes with secluded beaches (by boat) but best of all you can still, FOR FREE, get yourself in an alpine meadow with a magnificent vista
PLT, Mick

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