A Conversation for Jasper, Alberta, Canada


Post 1


Thanks for the article - it brings back many happy memories of a couple of fantastic months of Jasper-based sorties into the Rockies in search of caverns measureless to man.

I don't know how much it's changed since I was there, but the pizza place (main road, just west of the car park) and the (Atha-B? / Athabasca?) bar (does it still have its special 'mingling' licence?) made for some immensely appreciated R&R.


Post 2


Ahh Potholer, the JPP (Jasper Pizza Place) and the Atha-B have changed, but still thrive. I have no idea about the "mingling" licence but I'm going to try and find out more. I know one of the former bartenders.

The entire town had a face-lift about two years ago, but it is still fairly rustic and charming. Get back there before it changes too much!


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