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NaJoPoMoDay er... 8. : The Big Con Society

Post 1


I heard on the news this morning that David Cameron has announced new plans to give people six weeks training in order that they can be 'dementia friends'. They get a badge. At the same time, the Territorial Army are being pushed into a 'greater role' (which I think means- being shot at more) in the army, to patch up the big holes where the actual army are being trimmed.
I don't wish to mock or scorn the dementia friends or the territorial army. The Latter do, I've no doubt, a fine job and are courageous and committed people. The former are as yet untested but volunteering is something we do well in this country. This, of course, is what Cameron knows. When he announced his vision for the 'Big Society' he mean 'you lot do it, and do it free'. That's basically what he's doing here, make no mistake, he's getting rid of the people who have trained to do a job and have done it for years, and replacing them with people who are doing their best but are part timers and volunteers. This would be fine if it was a job they could get to grips with. Most jons, really, can be done to a decent standard by anyone with the ability to learn and the desire to really apply themselves, but some jobs aren't. We're all too lucky to have such a committed force of volulnteer lifesavers as the RNLI, we've no right to them, and the Government has no right to raise taxes, reduce standards of living and expect the blessed volunteers (who, being the sort of people they are, will always step up to the plate) to do the work Governments are elected and allowed to collect tax for.
So it's ethically wrong, it's impractical, and it's a politcal swindle. Now I know why I enjoy American elections. It reminds me that we'll be having one soon.

NaJoPoMoDay er... 8. : The Big Con Society

Post 2

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

NaJoPoMoDay er... 8. : The Big Con Society

Post 3


smiley - cheerup

NaJoPoMoDay er... 8. : The Big Con Society

Post 4

Icy North

Wise words smiley - smiley

NaJoPoMoDay er... 8. : The Big Con Society

Post 5


Couldn't agree more.

NaJoPoMoDay er... 8. : The Big Con Society

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

(smiley - strawberry)

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