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what is the unifying theory of physics?

Post 1

Researcher 141612

apparently, it is an unrefuted belief in the most stupid theories of all time.

this guy einstein and all the others obviously were great drinkers and, being scientists(hence lonely old men) they decided as one to become famous. hence, physics was born. either that, or god was drunk and spilled the beans to anyone ho ould listen, namely these guys.

what is the unifying theory of physics?

Post 2


Simple: Time will make everything disappear

Simple said

Post 3


Or to say it Fight Club style: On a long enough range, the survival rate for everything drops to zero.


Post 4


Except for time itself, that is.


Post 5


Yep. But you can't really think of time as a thing who 'exists': 'Existing' includes that it started some time (sic!) and will end (not very soon).


Post 6


Dear Sceptic!

Why should time NOT exist for ever? Which leaves open the question, what "ever" is supposed to mean!

And since we are at it, what about the "unifying theory of physics"? Well, it is a dream, an ideal, something
that makes you continue to look for new things, even in a time where you think you have found all that is!

If ever found, this unifying theory would be a model of reality so allencompassing that not only every
previous (and hence partial) model would be part of it, but also all the other models we don't even know
yet ... which raises all kinds of suspicion in my mind!

But a long as I will find again notions of: Mass, Energy, Inertia, and Time (plus some more ...) it will be OK!

Simple said

Post 7


Damn I love that fight club logic

Simple said

Post 8


An additional hypothesis could be summed up:
"Stuff just happens. What the hell."

smiley - smiley

Simple said

Post 9

Viscouter the Infininitly Prolonged

The unifying theory of physics:-

What goes up, must come down! smiley - smiley

what is the unifying theory of physics?

Post 10

Blue Bird

this is the best conversation so far ( I am only 3 days old researchers!!!) What else is there for me??? Wing.

what is the unifying theory of physics?

Post 11

Researcher 236793

I am just another happening trying to discover why what and how, if at all

what is the unifying theory of physics?

Post 12


UNIFICATION means we are all in this together LIKE IT OR NOT.PHYSICS ??? WHO CARES ENOUGH ??? ENJOY EVERY minute of everyday,and blow caution to the wind xxxx We ALL know The answers my friends are blowing in the wind !!!

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