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A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 61


Mr. Pilot, you haven't experienced my mums cooking, fortunately Dad can but it borders on the experimental (you can add curry powder to everythingsmiley - bigeyes).

I haven't had cahnce to read anything over xmas, and I haven't given in to the temptation of buying the new pratchett yetsmiley - winkeye


A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 62


hello, i'm kinda back - i just finished daughter of the empire, wurts and feist - i read it in two days straight - it rocks - it got me thinking all political again, but in a cunning, plotting kindof a way that has never truely occurred to me (honest, mr the red) - anyway it was all good, and it's the first of three - we have the second at work and i'm very tempted, but i think i'll have to hang on and get it 2nd hand sometime soon. very soon


A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 63


Nice to see you back spansmiley - smiley

A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 64


Hey, how's it goin' everyone? I decided that I wanted in on this conversation, mainly 'cuz I want to know if many of you have heard of or read the Dragonlance books by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. I read the first three and I thought they were really funny, but there's just too many for me. That, and I also wanted to make a mention of Terry Goodkind's "Sword of Truth" novels, and ask who's read any and how good they are.

Kool_55 smiley - bigeyes

A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 65


thanks glaws - still won't be here as much as bfore, but i'm working on it - in regard to dragonlance, i haven't read any, mainly because there are so many it's hard to know where to start - what would you recommend as a good starting point mr Kool?

goodkind is a good seller in my shop (i say my, but it's really owned by a nasty big multinational) and i've got the second and third, but have yet to read them cos i haven't found a cheap copy of wizard's first rule yet. but i hear they rock (that's a good thing).

cheers smiley - winkeye

A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 66


Don't worry, I know the term Rock, and I'm glad that they do, seen as I kinda dedicated myself to reading them by buying the first and second in the series, mainly because I thought they sounded good, and they weren't very expensive for how long they are. ($5.99 for 800 and some odd number of pages is good for me.)

As far as Dragonlance goes, I'd have to say to start with the first Trilogy, which, unfortunately, I didn't buy, so I don't remember the exact titles. they are something along the lines of "Dragons of Winter Night" and there are two more. the worst part is that I don't know the order, but that is found on the inside cover of any of the three of the trilogy. One thing you DON'T want to do is read "Dragons of Summer Dawn (or morning or whatever it is)" because it is much further on in the series, so the title is a little misleading beacuse it sounds like the title of the other books in that trilogy. (wow, that's long...)

well, that's all for now.

see you all laterz,


A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 67


thanks for the info about dragonlance - we've got those ones at work actually and i had assumed that the summer one was just a continuation - i think the first one is the autumn one, but i'm not sure - will check next time i work and hopefully pick up a copy some time in the near future smiley - smiley

glad you know what rock means - i've just had a few too discussions in here where people thought i was talking about something different because of the peculiar language that is kiwi slang smiley - winkeye


A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 68


No problem. Glad to lend out information. It does seem that this page started out with a sci-fi/fantasy theme, and has been steered more towards the fantasy only idea... I just wanted to mention a few sci-fi books that I've read to see what others think of them: A few of the Star Wars novels (my favorite being Shadows of the Empire), Sphere (the movie doesn't even compare with the book. it's not good enough to.), and h2g2 (if you don't know what that is, go read it. this site IS based on it, after all...) and all of its sequils to name a few.

A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 69


Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Dragons of Winters Night
Dragons of Spring Dawning

These are the first three, and should be read before any others.

Next read the Twins trilogy, which are the greatest books in the entire series, a must read to get the true beauty of the story.

Dragons of Summer Flame was released MUCH later and is not really part of the first set.

The rest of the rabble can be read if you choose, but they are not really necessary.

A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 70


Hi guys, I am a serious Fantasy and to lesser extent Sci fi addict. I have literally hundreds of books, as well as the countless more I have read but do not own.

My recommendations for Authours to read are (in no particular order) :

Orson Scott Card (The Ender Series. The first one is the best)
Weis and Hickman (The dragonlance series, also the Deathgate series)
Katherine Kerr (Dverry Series)
David Gemmel (Legend first, then any of the others)
David Eddings (Both the Belgarion set and the Elenium/Tamuli sets)
Stephen Lawhead (Arthur, Merlin etc)
R A Salvatore (The drizzt books)
Terry Pratchett (The discworld shopping spree)
Stephen King (The Bachman books, the rest are pulp)
Stephen Donaldson (Thomas Covenant)
Julian May (The many coloured land series)
Douglas Adams (The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I cannot beleive none has mentioned this yet!)
JRR Tolkein (The Hobbit, only read the Lord of the Rings if you have a spare three days solid. Ignore the others unless you get sucked in by TLOTR, it can turn you into a geek, you have been warned!)

Things to watch
Star Wars
Star Trek
Blakes 7
Red Dwarf

more to be supplied as and when......

A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 71


I didn't read all of this thread... Not even close... But the title was interesting and there was this great scifi/fantasy-list-thing in the last post... My list would be very much similar to that one... But Shade, you've forgotten Babylon 5 from the things to watch... smiley - smiley

A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 72


I've not been here for a long while, I do watch most of those programs and yes, reading all of JRR tokiens books did turn me into a geek (sorta).

I've got a site now,, it took all my friends will power to stop me deicating it to fantasy/sci-fi, but it's still got some elements on

smiley - smiley

A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 73


I never enjoyed Babylon 5. I have heard it got better, but since I did not like the first ones I saw, I never bothered after that.

A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 74


Major Oops, I missed off

Raymond E Feist, a great fantasy author. His first book Magician is just fantastic, and I have just read it again for the nth time.

A Freaky Fantasy/Sci-fi Life

Post 75


My fav fantasy writer after Tolkien (a manditory), would be J V Jones, and the book of words trilogy, dispites its quite litral title it is one of the best series of books i have ever read!

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