A Conversation for How to Make an Orange Julius

Krispy Kreme

Post 1

Mike A (snowblind)

The Krispy reme guide entry is not official, therefore it should not be linked to. Am I doing bad or what?!

Krispy Kreme

Post 2


Woah! This entry looks vaguely familiar smiley - smiley I didn't realize we should only reference approved guide entries... my bad. If that needs to come out, I won't cry about it. Do what you need. smiley - smiley

There are a couple of changes that need to be made and since I apparently can't make them anymore, it's your job now!!!

0 It's 1/4 cup powdered sugar, not * cup
0 In the last paragraph, "It is know for a fact" -> "It is known..."

Thanks for the help,

Krispy Kreme

Post 3

Mike A (snowblind)

It seems that a good few of entries I subedit need work done to them once I've passed them on to the PTWVH *^_^*. I try my best, but it just ends up happening!
Oh well, so long as it's sorted out before it hits the official guide smiley - smiley

Don't worry about making mistakes. I've deliberatly done it with a few of my guide entries (put links to unofficial articles) that I've submitted, but I'd expect the subbie to weed them out.
Does that smack of hypocrisy?

Anyway...We Can Work It Out smiley - smiley

Krispy Kreme

Post 4


Hehe change is cool with me, I just didn't expect it.

Mistakes are generally also cool with me, but that recipie part is kind of the whole point of the entry, so if when you get a chance if you could just fix it up like I descibed above I'd be much oblidged. smiley - smiley


Krispy Kreme

Post 5

Mike A (snowblind)

Hey, your article made it to the front page today smiley - smiley

Have you cancelled the original entry?

Krispy Kreme

Post 6


Hehe yeah, I was excited... it's the little things that make me happy smiley - smiley

And yes, I cancelled the original article. Thanks for checking on me smiley - smiley


Krispy Kreme

Post 7

Mike A (snowblind)

No problem. I care about those who do good smiley - smiley

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