A Conversation for UserName Analysis

Anaylysing for Drezdock, Researcher Extraordinair!!!!

Post 61

Researcher Extraordinair!!!!

I see.... said the blind man to his deaf wife, as he picked up a hammer and saw. smiley - smiley

so you kind of just use your gut feeling?

--------------------END TRANSMISSION---------------------------------

Anaylysing for Drezdock, Researcher Extraordinair!!!!

Post 62

Researcher Extraordinair!!!!

I see.... said the blind man to his deaf wife, as he picked up a hammer and saw. smiley - smiley

so you kind of just use your gut feeling?

--------------------END TRANSMISSION---------------------------------


Post 63


Hi Magnolia !
First: I do like your name, because it remains me of the plant which I think is beautiful.

Well, of course I want to ask you if you would analyse my name, too. It's Lena. I'm already curious to read what you think about it.

Thanks and Bye

P.S.: This forum is a great, great idea !!!

Analysing for Lena ...

Post 64


Thanks for appreciating "Magnolia"!

I am beginning to think of short names in the same way that I think of those tiny red chillies which look so innocent and inoffensive but -- they pack a punch!

The main point is, a short name which also sounds like a real name offers few surfaces to grip. On the one hand, there are the usual surfaces that names offer: Lena is a woman's name, it suggests a generally Western origin, but it isn't a classical or old-fashioned or typical name. If I followed trends in Western names closely I might be able to date it, but I don't have that kind of data-base so I can only go by my overall sense that it is a younger rather than an older name. It feels as if it may be a shortened form of "Helena" and has the same pleasingly Mediterranean flavour.

A person who uses a real name -- well of course, it doesn't HAVE to be the user's OWN name -- and who can say? -- is most probably a person who is very comfortable with her/his own identity. Probably doesn't want to or need to adopt elaborate masques and screens. Perhaps is really attractive and -- in the happy way of those of us who are naturally gifted -- is glad to share that ability to attract? I would like to think so: "Lena" feels as if it belongs to a young, attractive woman. I think that impression is reinforced by the fact that I can see that the name has been offered with a capital initial letter, as well as in lowercase (in the title of the message). Lowercase names sometimes suggest (to me) a person who is keen to follow the conventions of the web -- before growing out of the lowercase usage and using a capital initial letter.

I know I make too much of case -- but in a sense, when there's only one short name, I am bound to pick it clean for meanings! It's quite interesting to me, for instance, that this name is so simple and straightforward -- it suggests a person without guile. A soft-skinned non-aggressive person who does not anticipate any hostility from the world. There is something very vulnerable about names that end in "a" ... smiley - smiley

Anaylysing for Drezdock, Researcher Extraordinair!!!!

Post 65


smiley - smiley ... as he picked up his hammer and saw -- what?

errr -- yes, a mix of free-association, gut-feeling, bits and pieces of pop-psychology, the experience of once having been interested in palmistry (not very seriously -- I, like a certain Ming Mang of h2g2 fame, am inclined to be a sceptic) -- and presto! NameReading is born! smiley - fish

Analysing for Wakan ...

Post 66


Eh -Hi !

I know I'm not Magnolia...but... Wakan remains me of the Lakota word for medicineman "wishasha wakan" (don't know if that's the right spelling) - wakan may stand for man ?


Analysing for Lena ...

Post 67


Hi Magnolia !

Thanks for your analysis ! I'm very pleased by your nice words. Oh, and you're right. Lena is a real name. It's a part of my first name.

There's something interesting about my full first name which is Jule Lena. If you take the first syllables of both words - it's Ju-le again. If you take the last syllables of both names - guess what - it's Le-na agin. Nice, isn't it ?



Post 68

Martin Harper

Magnolia - how ever much you deny it - you should do this professionally... look at the interest you've sparked!

My major name would be MyRedDice - variously abbreviated to MRD, dice, or red by people I "know".. The other name I use a lot is Martin, which is one of those pleasing names that nobody tries to abbreviate.
For lesser-used names, you have a choice of Martin Harper, Lucinda, Myre, and Xanthia. I use them about once a week each, or somesuch - I'll leave you to figure out the whys...


Post 69

Martin Harper

oh, and I missed "Luke Rhinehart" amongst the lesser-used names. *sigh* I lose track smiley - winkeye


Post 70


Hello MyRedDice and thank you for your names! I'm going to start a new thread -- this one is taking far too long to load -- so please, anyone, everyone, if you'd like to make comments on anything you see in this forum, post your comments to the new one (I have to tell myself this too because I seem to routinely go back on my own intention!) -- but I'll also be a little while coz I've just returned from a trip and I have to pretend that I have other things to do than name-analysis ... I think one reason that I'd never do this for money is that it would instantly cease to be pleasurable -- it would just be another ~yawn~ moneyspinner.smiley - winkeye

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