A Conversation for Where in the World?

Where I am from

Post 21

Sho - employed again!

Hi, I used to live in Pembrokshire. It was, well, boring. But I was a teenager,
and I lived in a village with 7 houses (near the old German tank ranges at
Now I live in Germany. Why? Urm... left the Army and forgot to go home, I
suppose. I like it - mostly smiley - smiley

Checking in.

Post 22


I'm in the US, and I love this place!

I see there's someone from Antarctica. If that person is still active here, I'd love to talk with him/her! I didn't know that you had internet access there!

Checking in.

Post 23

Er, can I have fries with that?

okay, another weird German here smiley - winkeye

Checking in.

Post 24


Hello, there.

Just checking in from DK (that's Denmark for all of you, who doesn't know the international codesmiley - smiley) This is really a good idea - why haven't anybody thought of that before...

Checking in.

Post 25


Vienna, AUSTRIA!

Checking in.

Post 26


The guy from Antarcticais proberbly not using the internet - it's got to be the Winternet!!!smiley - smiley
(sorry. I know this was a really, really, REALLY bad joke - but someon had to make it...)

Checking in.

Post 27

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

New York City, and I hope that in the near future, it will return to the UK. Who's with me?

Checking in.

Post 28


NY. USA. i'm going down the line, on the h2g2 user screen to see peoples page AREAS. I just stopped in on yours momentarily, so here i go I say hello. Off to the next...

Checking in.

Post 29

Fern the Firelizard

Apologies for invading the thread. Message for Locust:

Hi Locust,

I have just opened a Natural History Museum at http://www.h2g2.com/A416819 and I wanted to ask you two things.

Firstly, are you happy to be in the museum (you only have to stand still when there are visitors)? Secondly, may I link from your name in the museum to your Space?

Amy the Ant smiley - smiley

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