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Scans, hormones and estate agents.

Post 1


So, I didn't update as quickly as I claimed I would, but hey, what's your own journal for if you can't neglect it!

So we had the scan - wow! Wasn't expecting to be so amazed but I was. Could clearly see a beating heart and it had a good stretch while we were watching. Hadn't really anticipated seeing what was so clearly a little person.

Other developments are also becoming more obvious - my wife no longer fits into a lot of her clothes so is feeling unfashinable as well as uncomfortable. On top of this, the British weather has started to get too warm and humid for comfort (yeah, yeah - complain when its cold; complain when its hot) and even I've started to notice the good old emotional hormone tearbursts are more frequent and are teetering on the brink of explosion just about 24 hours a day.

And to top it all, we're trying to move house. What we thought in January would take no more than 5 weeks max is now 5 months and counting. Not a situation conducive to happy homes between a pregnant missus and "soon to lose his season-ticket" expectant father.

But then when I wonder what the hell I've got myself into I look at the scan photo again. Soppy bugger.

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Scans, hormones and estate agents.

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