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End of the world as I know it.

Post 1


No I'm not predicting the apocalypse - nothing as insignificant as mutually assured destruction by bomb, meteor or the Spice Girls could have the impact of what awaits me in 6 months or so. I'm 3 months closer to being a first time dad than I was 3 months ago. There's nothing like planned fatherhood to scare the bejeesus out of you. And the reason I'm putting all this down here is because cyberspace seems to be the only place I can freely let off pre-birth steam without getting well meaning advice from people who matter.

Not that any of you who may read this don't matter - its just that you don't know me so any advice can be openly ignored without fear of causing a rift between us!

So that will do for a first journal entry, except to let you know that our first scan is this Friday and I'm dreading that come Saturday we'll be expecting twice the size of family we were planning the day before. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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End of the world as I know it.

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