A Conversation for The Greebo Appreciation Society (G.A.S.)

Join The Club III

Post 1


Please leave a message... and me will get back to you... remember you are joining the bestest society on h2g2... ~grin~... what an honour for you... ~bigger grin~

Join The Club III

Post 2


*brings in ritual sacrifice of doh'nuts, places it in front of Her Catliness and throws himself at her feet*

Oh worthymost Greebo of the truly amazing cats, you who are a guiding lighthouse for our restless souls, you are a soothing whisper and a roaring laughter, a friendly smile and a catly grin, you are the powdered sugar on the doh'nut called Earth, you are so amazingly amazing that it can't be said properly.

Please, PLEASE can I join your fanclub? smiley - bigeyes

Join The Club III

Post 3


Hi Bistroist... ~grin~... it would be a great pleasure to add you to the society... you are now member no 42... ~bigger grin~... me bets you feel so proud now...

Get you badge here... http://www.h2g2.com/A295328 ... remember to display it on your homepage with pride... it's the one that everybody is after... ~grin~

Join The Club III

Post 4


Hey you gorgeous lil cat, can i interest you in a LARGE box of doughnuts??
Maybe then you'll let me be an acknowledged lover of things orange and feline called Greebo. As opposed to one of the countless millions who worship the very ground you walk on, but have not yet made it into the greatly esteemed society that is G.A.S.

Join The Club III

Post 5


Welcome to GAS IceMan... ~grin~... thankyou for the box of doughnuts... me never says no to them...

You are now Gas member no 43... you have achieved your aim in life...Get you badge here... http://www.h2g2.com/A295328 ... remember to display it on your homepage with pride... it's the one that everybody is after... ~grin~

Join The Club III

Post 6


*Me walks in and sees that everybody had a speech ready*
Well, hello there... I have a cat... Black one... Fanclub... Me... Join... (I'm not good at this you know)
*Remembers the words on the screen "leave name"*
Name.. Snikkers..
*Notices all the gifts*
I shall bring you a nice little green bell and some cat food... =)
And some warm slippers =)
Hope that's enough.. =)
*Walks out hoping for the best*

Join The Club III

Post 7


Hey Snikkers, nice to see you... and welcome to GAS... hope you appreciate me... and all me stands for... Thankyou so much for all the nice gifts... they are muchly needed... ~grin~

Remember to pick up your members badge from... http://www.h2g2.com/A295328 ... and display it on your homepage...

Join The Club III

Post 8

Greebo the Kat

*stretches one sinewy orange striped paw*
So I see that there is another Greebo in this
old universe *notices gender scent* Aha a female feline..nice
collection of devout followers , are they house trained? smiley - winkeye
*quickly licks and washes* Let me introduce myself
I am Greebo The Kat,and yes I do sit on the mat in my hat
for I am a cool kitty..ooh ooh look a scratch post*rips n tears*
I've brought you a fish smiley - fish and a tinkly ball thing I found
fancy a pint of catnip? Smell ya later!*lifts tail & sprays*

Join The Club III

Post 9


Yes please I'd like to join!
My gift for the most exellent cat shall be handknitted litte blue socks for Your dainty feet, to use in winter...
I shall vorship you like the egyptian cat-godess Bast...no mummification yet.
Leave my name?

Join The Club III

Post 10


Welcome fellow Greebo... ~grin~... glad you could join all the other researchers in paying your hommage to the one and only true Greebo... ~big huge grin~

Get your badge here... http://www.h2g2.com/A295328 ... remember to display it on your homepage with pride... it's the one that everybody is after... ~grin~

Join The Club III

Post 11


Hi Niareth... thankyou for showing such good taste... and joining GAS... ~grin~... you are member number 46... Please pick up your badge here... http://www.h2g2.com/A295328 ... remember to display it on your homepage with pride... it's the one that everybody is after... ~grin~

Join The Club III

Post 12

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Hey Greebo, you know me, I'm a friend, and a fellow cat, please can I become a member of GAS? I've got loads of doughnuts! My e-mail is [email protected] and my user page is 50436. Thanks!

Join The Club III

Post 13


Hey Katsy... ~huggle~... you are much welcomed into GAS.. ~grin~

Your member number is 47... please collect your GAS badge... and use it to entice other to join GAS by displaying it on your homepage... ~bigger grin~

The badge can be found here... http://www.h2g2.com/A295328

Join The Club III

Post 14

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Thanks! I hope you don't mind but I've got it twice! Once at the top to get people interested then later down the page it is there again with an explanation! I've also added you to my list of best mates! What ya think?

Join The Club III

Post 15


Me don't mind at all... ~grin~... and me VERY happy to be added to your best mates list... ~bigger grin~... Thanks for the email as well... me was wondering if it worked... the thing on my page... me tried it myself... but me was so happy when me recieved an email from someone else... ~happy grin~

Join The Club III

Post 16

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

how do you get the counter on your page using GuideML?

Join The Club III

Post 17


~grin~... It takes a little tweaking... but you get a counter from ... er... where ever you get your counters from... me uses bravenet... get the code... and then alter it slightly so that it works... takes a little time... but me likes doing that sort of thing...

Join The Club III

Post 18

Agnes Nitt

Would it be possible for us to join?

My name is Agnes and she is Perdita.


Look, let's not argue about this, let's just join ok?


Join The Club III

Post 19

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Hey Greebo since you know all this stuff maybe you could convert it to GuideML and then send it on to me in an e-mail please? It would be most appreciated smiley - winkeye

Join The Club III

Post 20


~grin~... would be happy to try and help... leave a message on my h2g2 page to discuss it... ok... ~huggle~

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