A Conversation for h2g2 Fiction Central

Isn't it about time...

Post 1

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

...Us fiction writers got some recognition around h2g2, there's only so many people who read smiley - thepost how about a campaign for a FP link?

What do you all think

Isn't it about time...

Post 2


Jimster did put FC on the front page (and did the new picture) the only problem was we're not popular. smiley - blush

Isn't it about time...

Post 3

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Time we got out there and kicked arse don't you think, maybe we can encourage some fic writers in and tell them they are not the illegitimate children of h2g2, we have a right to be heard our work is as good as, if not better than the EG

Isn't it about time...

Post 4


Verc(ingeTerran) will probably be all for it.

Isn't it about time...

Post 5

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

But you're not?

Isn't it about time...

Post 6

Lucas Brown

sounds like groove town to me.

an edited fiction section. yay!

i think put some more into fiction here would bring some new blood. It would need to be a big push to lure all the ppls away from other fiction sites.

Isn't it about time...

Post 7

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I spend a lot of time on ff.net and the talent they have over there is astounding and that's one thing missing from EG writers (Well if that doesn't get PR grinding it's teeth nothing will)

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