A Conversation for All-New Researchers' Birthday Page
My Birthday
William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards Started conversation Dec 29, 2002
I was born on March 12th. I believe I share a birthday with Liza Minelli and Jack Kerouak (American beat poet, I think.)
My Birthday
Hefelumpman Posted Jan 1, 2003
I was born on may 20th....
I'm not so sure, but I think I share a birthday with Margeret Thatcher, Heaven Forbid.
Also, if you'll check the rear of your jeans, you may be uninterested enough to discover that Levi Strauss' jeans were patented on that very date in 1873.
My Birthday
*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* Posted Jan 7, 2003
my birthday is on April 20th, i share my birthday with Hitler (lucky me!!). i also share it with someone else, though i cant remember at the mo, i shall find out!
My Birthday
Zucchini Posted Feb 22, 2003
Mine's 10th of June.
Last time I looked I was 18... now all of a sudden I'm 27, how on earth did that happen?
My Birthday
Found Posted Feb 25, 2003
Mine's 3rd december
Yann's (U202775) is 11th march.
Argh! I have to get her a soon, she's my sister
My Birthday
tanzen Posted Mar 18, 2003
31st of December - which means I have to wait until everyone else has had theirs...but at least there's always a party...somewhere
(Oh, I think it's the same day as Joey McIntyre's - of New Kids on The Block fame - am I allowed to admit to knowing that )
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